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Chapter 1035

Chapter 1035

Marina Maya can only answer superficial questions. She seems to have answered everything, but she

doesn’t leak anything.

Bob Mendoza continued to ask, “When was the last time Mrs. Maya saw Burke Lee?”

Marina Maya thought for a while, then shook her head, “I don’t remember, it’s too long ago, I have had

severe reactions during my pregnancy recently, my memory has declined, and I tend to forget things,

anyway, it’s been a long time.”

Marina Maya didn’t say the specific time, Bob Mendoza took out a photo of Marina Maya and Burke

Lee in the cafe and said, “Do you remember this day? At that time, you and Burke Lee made an

appointment here, what did you talk about? ”

These evidences are provided by Jeff Nicholas.

Knowing that Marina Maya would be bad for Vivienne Quinn, Jeff Nicholas was wary of Marina Maya.

Seeing that Bob Mendoza came prepared, Marina Maya also felt a little guilty. She pulled the shawl on

her body and said, “I have a little impression, I don’t remember what we talked about. It’s just a

gathering between old classmates and talking about the past. Let’s talk now, let’s talk casually, what

about Mendoza, what on earth are you trying to say, why don’t I have a reunion with my old


“No, don’t get me wrong.” Bob Mendoza said, “I’m just a routine.”

Marina Maya asked, ” Burke Lee is dead, what does he have to do with the kidnapping case, and whatnovelbin

does it have to do with me? I have no grievances with Smyth Family, and I am more friends with

Smythmadam. Undocumented

speculation, Mendoza, is this how you handle cases? Too bullying.”

“As far as I know, Mrs. Maya and the Smyth Family are not innocent.” Bob Mendoza threw another

topic,” Lindsay Walker, Mrs. Maya must be very familiar with it, tell me, what is your relationship with

Lindsay Walker. ”

This question stopped Marina Maya, she knew that this kind of thing couldn’t be hidden, but she would

never admit it too easily.


“This is my private matter, I don’t need to tell you….

Marina Maya finished speaking, Felix Maya ‘s voice came from outside,” Mendoza, my wife is

pregnant, and it’s a bit. inconvenient. If you have anything to say, let’s chat.”

Bob Mendoza looked at Felix Maya who came in. He knew that this case would not be easy.

Dave also glanced at Bob Mendoza worriedly, this is Congressman Maya, if he offends him, wouldn’t

his future be gone?

Bob Mendoza can’t be tough with Felix Maya, he doesn’t have much evidence, and he doesn’t even

have the right to bring Marina Maya back to the police station.


Congressman Maya.” Bob Mendoza greeted in an unassuming manner, “This morning, someone


himself in and admitted that the four kidnappers in the kidnapping case of Vivienne Quinn, the

proprietress of the Skyreach Group, were murdered by him, and the person who planned all this was

Mrs. Maya., come here and ask a few words.”

“Mendoza follows the rules, so there is no problem.” Seeing Bob Mendoza not giving face, Felix Maya

looked sullen, “My wife is uncomfortable and inconvenient. Mendoza won’t give me face?”

Congressman Maya is serious.” Bob Mendoza said without changing his face, “I just ask a few

questions. If Mrs. Maya is unwell, I will come back another day. Excuse me.”

Bob Mendoza is not going to chat with Felix Maya privately, he is at work now, so follow the procedure.

Dave was so scared that his little heart was pounding, and he didn’t dare to breathe.

Bob Mendoza gave a slight nod to Marina Maya and Felix Maya, then led Dave away.

After getting in the car, Dave patted his chest, “I’m scared to death, Bob, won’t it be too embarrassing

for us to be tough with Congressman Maya like this? I have a hunch that our careers are over.”

“Even if it’s over, the case must be handled.”

Bob Mendoza starts the car and drives out of the complex.

Dave said, ” Bob, you never touched the case of Smyth Family before. Now, whenever it is about

Smyth Family, you

are the first to rush to the front.”

“This case is so interesting, don’t you want to follow along?” Bob Mendoza twitched his lips, “If you are

afraid, you don’t have to follow this case in the future.”

“Who’s afraid.” Dave sat upright, “I’m not afraid, Dave. I’m just a kid. Bob, I’m worried about you. You

have a bright future. It’s not worth it to fall into this matter.”

Bob Mendoza said meaningfully, “If it really falls, that’s fine.”

Dave didn’t understand, ” Bob, what do you mean, would expect to fall down.”

Bob Mendoza didn’t explain. He and Lainey Marlowe have never reconciled. He knows that Lainey

Marlowe minds his job and doesn’t have time for her. If he really loses his job, it’s another kind of


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