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Chapter 1022

Chapter 1022

Marina Maya ‘s words really opened Felix Maya ‘s eyes, and he laughed angrily, “You go to take care of

Jeremy Walker, a lonely man and a widow, in a hotel, Marina Maya, do you treat me as a three-year-

old fool?”

Felix Maya was furious. The wife he had always loved in front of him said such high-sounding words

and did something unbelievable.

Marina Maya’s eyes were wet, she looked at Felix Maya with aggrieved and sad eyes, and there was a

bit of stubbornness in her eyes, “If you insist on thinking this way and don’t believe me, then I have

nothing to say, just let me feel the pain in my stomach.” A child born without a father, right?”

This made Felix Maya choke again.

Marina Maya has a stubborn mouth, but she refuses to admit it. Instead, she blames Felix Maya for

everything. “If you insist on thinking like this, then I have nothing to say.”.

When mentioning the unborn child, Felix Maya laughed angrily, pointed to Marina Maya ‘s belly and

said, “I don’t know whose species it is.”

After the words fell, Marina Maya became furious, picked up the cup on the table and smashed it, her

posture was even more angry than Felix Maya, ” Felix Maya, you can insult me, don’t believe me, but

you can’t question the child in your belly, I Marina Maya is so unbearable in your eyes, you want to

humiliate me like this, this is your Maya, if I tell a lie, I will die badly.”

Marina Maya spoke uprightly and sternly, as if she had been greatly wronged.

Chapter 1022

This posture made Felix Maya hesitate.

Marina Maya’s face was full of tears, trembling with anger, looking at Felix Maya with even more

disappointment, every detail was handled very well.

Felix Maya squeezed his hands, his eyes fell on Marina Maya’s stomach, and his tone softened a bit, ”

Marina, no man can accept his wife, and he is in a hotel with another man in the middle of the night,

and this man is still his wife’s.” First love, I brought you to Washington DC, I hope the husband and wife

have a better life, your past, I never asked, but now, how do you let me believe you.

Seeing that Felix Maya called herself changed from ‘ Marina Maya’ to ‘ Marina’, Marina Maya knew in

her heart, Felix Maya was shaken in her heart, as long as she took the opportunity to show weakness

and complain, and talk about the relationship between husband and wife, today’s matter can be fooled


Marina Maya wiped her tears and said sadly, “Why didn’t I tell you about the past, because after I met

you, I felt reborn, and I don’t want to go back to the past. I have never come to Washington for

decades. DC, not to mention, Jeremy Walker lied to me back then, saying that my child was dead. I

have lived with you since I married you for decades. I have not been able to have children for so many

years, and you have never blamed me. I keep these in mind.”

Marina Maya began to count Felix Maya in details, playing the emotional card.

Felix Maya was silent, his face was still very ugly, Marina

Maya said again, ” Felix Maya, I know what you said to me. Over the years, I have been very guilty. I

couldn’t give Maya a child. Why did you have a miscarriage back then?? I was worried about you, I

thought you had an accident on the dam, so you fell.”

This sentence, of course, was made up by Marina Maya.

But for Felix Maya, it was very useful. He was shocked, “Why don’t you tell me this.”

“The child is gone, and if I say that again, it doesn’t make you feel guilty.” Marina Maya said very

understandingly, “I am really proud to have a husband who can do practical things for the people, but

without children, it really makes me Unfortunately, after I found out I was pregnant some time ago, do

you know how happy I am? Even if I, Marina Maya, die, I still have the face to go to the Nine Springs to

meet your Maya ancestors.”

These words hit Felix Maya ‘s weakness.

Marina…” Felix Maya suddenly felt guilty.

Marina Maya wiped her tears and said, ” Felix Maya, I lied to you about Lindsay. I was wrong. Do you

know how much pain I felt when I knew Lindsay was my daughter? She fell from me. Meat, from birth

to death, she never met me, but the first time I saw her was a dead body, I didn’t mean to hide it from

you, but I didn’t know how to say it.”

Chapter 1023

Marina Maya told about Lindsay Walker ‘s life experience and her past with Jeremy Walker.

But Marina Maya resolutely denied that she cheated on Jeremy Walker in the hotel.

Marina Maya only recognizes herself as Jeremy Walker who is taking care of her side in the hotel, and

all this is for the sake of her dead daughter.

Felix Maya believes that Marina Maya did not cheat on Lindsay Walker. With Marina Maya ‘s

temperament, if she knew that Lindsay Walker was her daughter, it would be impossible for her not to

act all these years.

Felix Maya asked seriously, “You like Hale because it’s your grandson, you know that Lindsay Walker

was imprisoned for killing madam Smyth, why did you get close to Violet Smyth, is it because of Hale,


“Because of Hale.” Marina Maya interrupted Felix Maya, of course she would not admit that she wanted

justice for her daughter and wanted revenge on the Smyth Family.

“Hale has no mother since he was a child. It’s really pitiful. Sigrid Smyth is a person who spends time

and money. I have already owed Lindsay. I want to make up for Hale.” Marina Maya said, “I have been

married to you for decades. When I married you, The family is poor and white, following you, I have

suffered so much, can’t I get your trust?”

Felix Maya really didn’t know whether to trust Marina Maya. It was really unacceptable for a man and a

widow to live in the same room.

Seeing Felix Maya’s hesitation, Marina Maya resorted to her trump card and said, “Let’s go to the

hospital in a while, let the doctor do amniocentesis, and do a paternity test. Only if it proves that the

child is yours, you will believe me, and our husband and wife love In minutes, it’s over, I’m going to

change clothes, and I’ll go to the hospital later.”

Felix Maya was shocked, ” Marina…”

Marina Maya went upstairs angrily.

Marina Maya’s willingness to do a paternity test so frankly restored some trust.

Felix Maya also had this plan, but he was too embarrassed to say it out. Once he said it, the

relationship between the couple for decades would be broken.

Now that Marina Maya proposed it herself, Felix Maya hesitated.

Felix Maya felt very complicated when he thought of the hardships Marina Maya had suffered with him

all these. years, and how Marina Maya followed him when he was poor and white.

Just when Felix Maya was in a panic, Marina Maya changed her clothes and came down, with a cold

face, she said, “Let’s go, even if you want to divorce and you abandon me, I have to prove my


” Marina.” Felix Maya hesitated to speak.

Marina Maya made up her mind, went straight out, got into the car, sat in the car and waited.

She was betting that Felix Maya wouldn’t dare go.

As long as today is over, it will be fine.

Marina Maya was also very disturbed, and she was so nervous that she clenched her hands tightly.

After some time, Felix Maya got into the car and said to the driver, “Go to the hospital.”

Hearing this, Marina Maya was flustered. She glanced at Felix Maya. Felix Maya lowered his eyes and

didn’t look at Marina Maya squarely.

The car started and drove towards the hospital.

Marina Maya is a bit regretful about saying the paternity test. If it turns out that the child is not Felix

Maya ‘s, then she will never turn back.

In fact, up to now, Marina Maya is not sure whether the child belongs to Felix Maya. For the sake of

insurance, she deliberately said the wrong period time during the examination.

Now, it’s really a gamble.

Soon, the car arrived at the hospital.

Neither of them spoke. After all, it is a bit embarrassing to do a paternity test. Felix Maya is a public

figure, so how could he afford to be ashamed.

As soon as he entered the hospital, Felix Maya put on a mask and signed up for an ordinary account,

not taking advantage of his identity as a Congressman.

The two came early, there was no one in the hospital, and there was no need to line up, and they

arrived at Marina Maya soon.

The director of the gynecology department didn’t know Marina Maya either, so he didn’t know that this

was Congressman Maya’s wife, so he followed the procedure.

When I heard Marina Maya say, “Doctor, can you do a paternity test now? I heard that you can do a

paternity test with amniocentesis.”

“Paternity test?” The director of the gynecology department glanced at the two of them. They are both

very old. It’s not easy to conceive a child. Why do you need a paternity test?

Generally, the paternity test is performed by young people. It is the first time I have seen someone in

their fifties who is pregnant with a child for the test.

Marina Maya looked aggrieved and sad, and said, “Yes, do a paternity test.”

Felix Maya who was wearing a mask, then looked at Marina Maya, and said, “It’s not impossible to do a

paternity test, but you have to wait until after the 16th week of the fetus, and the risk is very high, and it

is easy to cause infection. An advanced mother like you, the risk is even greater, once infected, it is

easy to cause miscarriage of the child, are you sure? Or, think about it again?”


Felix Maya hesitated when he heard the risk of taking a paternity test.

If this is his own child, if something happens, he will regret it.

Moreover, at Mari?a Maya ‘s age, amniocentesis will be very painful.

Marina Maya also hesitated, she was reluctant to part with this child, and she didn’t really want to do a

paternity test, but just wanted to take a gamble and let Felix Maya believe in herself.

Seeing that neither of them spoke, the doctor knew what was going on.

The doctor said, “You should go back and think about it. If you really want to do a paternity test, you

can wait until the child is born. It is not easy for the two of you at this age. Pregnant mothers are very


The phrase ‘pregnant mothers are very hard’ hit Felix, Maya’s soft heart thoroughly.

Felix Maya pulled up Marina Maya and said to the doctor, “Sorry to trouble you, we won’t do it, Marina,

let’s go home.”

Marina Maya stared at Felix Maya and asked, “Do you believe me? If you still don’t believe me, I am

willing to do this paternity test.”

“I believe.” Felix Maya still felt sorry for his wife after all, and said, “Don’t do it, let’s go home.”


Felix Maya directly took Marina Maya home.

The moment she got into the car, Marina Maya breathed a sigh of relief.

When she got home, Marina Maya still didn’t dare to relax. She pretended to be very sad and

uncomfortable, and went upstairs to lie on the bed, neither eating nor drinking, not speaking, and had a

cold war with Felix Maya.

Properly play the wrong party as the victim.

Felix Maya asked the nanny to come back to take care of Marina Maya and give various supplements

to the stew.

Felix Maya also knew in his heart that once today passed, some things could not be pursued anymore.

And he, seeing his wife’s sad appearance, also chose not to pursue it anymore.

At his age, it is not easy to have a child. The wife is his own, and the child is in the wife’s womb. Even if

the worst plan is made, the child is not his own, but it is a child during the marriage. It is his child, and

his surname is Maya.

The nanny stewed soup and sent it to Marina Maya, but Marina Maya had no appetite and refused to


Felix Maya was listening at the door, but he didn’t go in either. The nanny came out with soup. Felix

Maya said, “Let her sleep for a while, and wake up later. You can heat it up and serve it to her.”

The nanny replied, “Yes, sir.”

After the confession, Felix Maya went out.novelbin

In the Four Seasons Hotel.

Jeremy Walker was already controlled by Felix Maya’s people. Before Felix Maya came, no one did

anything to Jeremy Walker, but restricted his freedom.

Jeremy Walker, who had slept with someone else’s wife, felt very uneasy. He couldn’t sit still. Looking

at the two people. standing at the door, he felt even more frightened.

Because these two people have guns on their waists.

The current Jeremy Walker, who wants money but doesn’t have money, wants power but doesn’t have

power, he’s so cowardly.

Jeremy Walker just sat on the sofa so neatly, his hands didn’t know where to put them.

Suddenly, he heard a sound outside.

Congressman Maya, people are inside.”

Hearing the sound, Jeremy Walker’s heart beat faster.

The sound of footsteps was simply Pluto ‘s urging order.

Soon, Félix Maya came in, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he carried a strong sense of

oppression, which was inherent to those who were always in the top position.

Jeremy Walker was so guilty that he didn’t dare to face it.

Felix Maya waved his men out and closed the door behind


Felix Maya and Jeremy Walker were left.


Maya, Congressman Maya.” Jeremy Walker stuttered, standing up immediately, respectfully.

This dogleg appearance made Felix Maya frown upon seeing it.

Such a man who can’t stand on the stage is his rival in love?

Felix Maya sat down and remained expressionless from beginning to end, “You should know in your

heart what I need from you today. Marina has already said everything.”

Hearing this, Jeremy Walker’s heart skipped a beat, and he scolded Marina Maya in his heart for being

an idiot, how could he do anything.

Congressman Maya, Mrs. Maya and I are…”

Just when Jeremy Walker wanted to defend himself with a guilty conscience, Felix Maya said again,

“You are

classmates, but also lovers. Marina told me that Lindsay is your daughter. You abandoned Marina back

then and lied to her that the child has already passed away. Dead, let her regret for many years.”

Seeing that everything Felix Maya said was true, he believed even more that Marina Maya really

recruited everything.

Congressman Maya, it’s my heart that was covered in lard, and it’s all Mrs. Maya who…” seduced me.

Jeremy Walker finished speaking, Felix Maya slapped the

table and shouted sharply, “I’ll give you one more chance,

do you recognize the child in Marina ‘s belly? As a man,

don’t lose face to a man.”

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