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Chapter 1016

Chapter 1016

A sudden voice frightened Marina Maya so much that she dropped her phone to the ground.

Felix Maya behind her, quickly picked up the mobile phone on the ground, hung up quickly, and said

calmly, “It’s a harassing call, a salesman, why are you awake?”

Felix Maya saw the strangeness of Marina Maya, but he didn’t think much about it, “It scared you.”

Marina Maya complained, “Can you not be scary if you make a sudden noise?”

Felix Maya, “Seeing that you’re not here, I’ll come out to see you. Why is it so late and you haven’t

slept yet? Is there something wrong?”

“My stomach is a little bloated.” Marina Maya lied casually and said, “I can’t sleep because of my

bloated stomach. This is a normal pregnancy reaction, and it will be fine in the later stage.”

“Thank you.” Felix Maya hugged his wife distressedly, “How about I ask two more nannies to take care

of you.”

“No need.” Marina Maya said, “There are too many people in the family, I’m not used to it, you go to

sleep, don’t you have to go to city A for a meeting tomorrow, go to bed early.”

Felix Maya is very busy and entertains a lot.

“If you don’t sleep, how can I sleep.” Felix Maya said, “We are all at this age. I heard that it is not easy

for young people to have children, let alone our age.


Chapter 1016


Felix Maya feels sorry for Marina Maya, but the child doesn’t want to give up.

This is the kind of Maya.

At Felix Maya ‘s age, one really wanted a child.

“I’m much better now, let’s go to rest.” Marina Maya panicked in her heart, she was afraid that Felix

Maya would see the clue, and she was very guilty that Felix Maya was so kind to herself.

The two returned to the bedroom, Marina Maya was afraid that Jeremy Walker would call again, so she

turned off her phone.

It’s just that what should come, can’t escape.

the next day.

Felix Maya had breakfast with Marina Maya at home, and after breakfast, he planned to go to City A for

a meeting.

After breakfast, Marina Maya sent Felix Maya to the yard. Felix Maya was about to get in the car when

an unexpected guest, Jeremy Walker, came.

Jeremy Walker held the gift and stood outside the door with a smile, “Congressman Maya, good


Marina Maya saw Jeremy Walker, her heart jumped into her throat.

Felix Maya was not in a good mood when he saw Jeremy Walker, but there was no reaction on the

surface, and he just responded lightly, ” Mr. Darcy, is there something wrong to

Chapter 1016

come so early?”

788 Wouchers

Marina Maya didn’t dare to say anything, she was so scared to death that Jeremy Walker would kill her

and expose their relationship.

“Congressman Maya, I’m here to thank you.” Jeremy Walker said with a smile, “I know that you helped

my daughter Lindsay reverse the case. Thank you for your hard work. This is a small gift. I hope you

accept it. It’s all

Supplements, I heard that Mrs. Maya is pregnant, just in time.”

Jeremy Walker took the opportunity to send supplements to Marina Maya, and also wanted to disgust

Felix Maya. It was a secret contest between men.

Felix Maya didn’t know what Jeremy Walker was thinking, he just simply didn’t like Jeremy Walker.

After all, this was Marina Maya ‘s first love.

Felix Maya said calmly, “It’s my job to do things for the people. Mr. Darcy, please take the gifts back. I

never accept gifts.”

Jeremy Walker smiled and complimented, ” Congressman Maya is really a good official for the people,

a good cadre, Congressman Maya, if you have to be busy, then go to work, and I won’t bother you.”

After speaking, Jeremy Walker still put the gift on the

ground, and said to Marina Maya, ” Mrs. Maya, I have a little heart, nothing else, make up your body,

an old classmate, accept it.”

Chapter 1016

Marina Maya looked very ugly, she glanced at Felix Maya, and said quickly, ” Jeremy Walker, you take

the things away.”

Marina Maya winks at Jeremy Walker as she speaks.

Felix Maya glanced at Marina Maya behind her, and Marinal Maya immediately restrained herself,

trembling and afraid to speak.

Felix Maya is the most taboo for others to give gifts.

Just when she thought Felix Maya would get angry, Felix Maya said, “You are classmates, old

classmates sent things to visit, then this gift can be accepted, I have to go to city A for a meeting, so

there is no delay, Mr. Darcy, thank you Your mind is gone.”

“Congressman Maya, you’re welcome.” Jeremy Walker said doggedly,” Congressman Maya is busy

with you, I’ll leave right away.”


Mr. Darcy is an old classmate. Since you are here, you two just catch up with each other. I won’t

accompany you if I have something to do. I will entertain you next time when I have time.”

Jeremy Walker laughed, “You’re welcome.”

Felix Maya got in the car first and left, while Jeremy Walker stood in the yard, not intending to leave

yet, and really wanted to stay to catch up on the old days.

After driving a certain distance, Felix Maya said to his novelbin

assistant, “I’m going to city A for two days, and I’m looking


for someone to keep an eye on Madam.”

He was always worried.

He asked Jeremy Walker to stay just now as a test, but who would have thought that Jeremy Walker

would really dare to stay.

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