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Chapter 915

Chapter 915

Yvonne handed Josiah a bottle of water and said in a gentle voice, “Josiah, have you got something

wrong? You should drink some water and sit down to talk slowly.”

Suddenly, Josiah pushed her hand away and said coldly, “Yvonne, you’ve been using me against

Estelle all the time, exploiting our friendship from childhood! I regarded you as my sister, so I didn’t

hesitate to stand by you! But what do you think of me? A tool to hurt others? You want to hurt or even

kill Estelle for Jonathan, even me, Yvonne, how can you become so terrifying!”

It turned out that even if he grew up with someone, he may not understand her at all. At least before

this happened, he would never believe that Yvonne was such a hypocritical and vicious woman!

Yvonne’s face changed, but her eyes still looked innocent. She frowned and said, “Josiah, what are you

talking about? What happened to Estelle? You keep talking about murder, it’s so scary!”

Josiah’s eyes turned red, and he looked at Yvonne with a look of disappointment and pain, “Even at

this point you still pretend to know nothing! Okay, you can pretend to know nothing, and blame

everything on Zack. He has secretly fled abroad. No one will confront you, so you can keep


Jonathan only caught a Maduro, but he knew nothing. After all, Maduro was just a hired hand, he didn’tnovelbin

fully understand the specifics!

Wolverine was already dead, and Zack disappeared without a trace. No one would know the truth!

Yvonne looked at Josiah coldly, “I don’t know about anything you just said””

“You don’t need to admit it, and you know that I can’t do anything to you!” Josiah looked into her eyes,

his gaze slowly filled with hatred, “As long as I have seen your true face! Jonah will see your venom

and cruelty. He doesn’t want you now, and he will never want you in the future!

Josiah’s words were like a sharp sword, stabbing into Yvonne’s heart. He continued. You’re not as

good as Estelle, you’re not worthy to compare with her!” novelxo.com fast update

After saying that, he gave her a scornful and malicious look, then turned and left

Yvonne looked at the closed door. Her expression gradually became serious, and her eyes were full of

indifference and anger!

Estelle was seriously injured, but not dead. Zack had fled, and now she had offended Josiah!

Yvonne’s face turned ugly. She angrily threw the water bottle in her hand, her face twisted with anger!

After leaving Yvonne’s house, Josiah sat in the car and called Amiee, saying straightforwardly, “A large

part of the reason for Jonah and Estelle’s break up was because of Yvonne. She asked me to find

Estelle’s long-lost brother and bribed him with money to cause chaos in the Lamont family, forcing

Geoffrey Lamont tb- make Jonah and Estelle break up. I’m going to tell Jonah now

Amiee paused briefly, then said calmly, “Don’t say anything yet.”

“Why?” Josiah frowned and asked, “I must do something for Estelle, otherwise, I’ll go crazy!”

“You don’t need to do anything now Amiee said calmly. “Estelle is still in a coma, and this incident

seems to have something to do with Jonathan. We should decide how to deal with it after Estelle

wakes up, and not make impulsive actions anymore.”

Josiah said firmly, “Jonah would never hurt Estelle. He just did not know.”

“So, whether we should let him know or not, let Estelle decide after she wakes up.” Amiee said.

Estelle’s identity was not just Snow Hawk, she also had Gab behind her, her identity may be beyond

their imagination. Since Estelle didn’t tell Jonathan, they should. keep this secret for now.

Josiah thought for a moment, then slowly nodded, “Okay, I’ll listen to you?

“Let’s wait until Estelle wakes up to discuss everything.” Amiee said.

Josiah hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

This incident hit him too hard; the reality and his expectations were completely different. He had to

calm down, and think carefully about why he made such a big mistake

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