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Chater 849

Chapter 849

The auntie happily walked off with a bucket of water

“What’s going on? How’d you end up chatting?” Norah walked over

“Bought a razor”

“Huh?” Norah looked surprised.

“What razor?”

Xavier shrugged, jokingly said, “Matchmaker brand razor”

“What matchmaker brand, never heard of it, did you get scammed? Since when do cleaning ladies start

selling stuff to homeowners, I’m gonna find hel

“Forget it! It wasn’t much!” Xavier, worried that the cleaning lady might repeat what she had said to him

to Norah, stopped her and asked,

“How much did the cleaning service cost? I’ll pay you back!”

“I don’t want it!” Norah turned around and walked off, but after a few steps, she turned back and glared

at Xavier, “If you dare to pay me back, I’m not speaking to you anymore!”

Xavier had just pulled up Norah’s transfer account info, but after hearing her threat, he gave up

By the time the cleaning lady finished cleaning all the rooms, Norah had packed up her tools and

headed home as it was getting dark. She had to be home before dark, a rule that Xavier had set for her

from the start.

The BBQ joint closed at nine that evening. Around ten, Zachary, Damian, and the others came upstairs

and were stunned at the sight of the sparkling clean room

“Holy cow, who did this?” Zachary asked in surprise, about to sit on the sofa.

“Don’t sit, just stand there!” Xavier, sitting on the sofa playing games, gave him a disgusted look. “You

stink of kitchen smoke, change your clothes before sitting on the sofa. Same goes for the rest of you.”

Xavier pointed at Damian and the others, “Keep clean from now on, don’t embarrass yourselves in front

of Norah

“Norah got someone to clean?” Damian looked around the room, it’s really a lot cleaner!”

“Yeah, you guys are on cleaning rotation from now on. Keep it like this! Xavier ordered.

The guys didn’t hesitate and agreed.

Damian sat on the sofa and seeing Xavier look over, quickly said, Tm clean!”

Xavier glanced at him but didn’t say anything

Zachary and the others went to their rooms to change. Xavier took a cigarette and put it in his mouth,

“Don’t ask Norah to put medicine on me from now on. After all, I’m a man, she’s just a girl!”

Damian smirked, “We all see Norah as a little sister, we didn’t think too much!”

“From now on, she better not come upstairs!”

Damian knew Xavier was looking out for Norah and agreed, “Alright!”

The next day, Xavier received not only a razor, but also a dishwasher, automatic washing machine,

dryer, and a sweeping robot…

Zachary, Damian, and the others were dumbfounded as they watched the sweeping robot not only

clean the floors but also chat with them.

Norah introduced them, “You can let this robot help clean every day. The previous washing machine

wasn’t that great, so I bought a new one, and a dryer, super convenient. You can wear the clothes

straight out of it, so don’t pile up dirty clothes, wash them as soon as you take them off!”

Damian was overjoyed, “Norah, you’re not really acting like a waitress here, more like an angel saving

us bunch of rough guys!”novelbin

Everyone was gathered around the new smart appliances, finding them very novel.

Xavier was leaning against the door frame, frowning, “Norah, come over here!”

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