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Chater 812

Chapter 812

Jonathan didn’t beat around the bush, saying, “Yeah, I’ll bring her home to meet you guys in a bit.”

“Who is she?”

“Just an ordinary girl.” Jonathan said with a nonchalant smile, “You guys will like her.” “Uh-huh.”

Geoffrey nodded, didn’t ask any further, just reminded, ‘Be careful on the road.”


After watching Jonathan drive away, Geoffrey went into the mansion and headed upstairs.

In his bedroom, the servant had already prepared his pajamas and a foot bath. Geoffrey sat on the

couch, soaking his feet and reading the newspaper.novelbin

Cathrine came out from the inner room and asked, “What were you and Jonathan talking about


Geoffrey put down the newspaper, a serious look on his face, “Jonathan has a girlfriend.”

Cathrine seemed surprised, but also as if she had expected it. “No wonder he hasn’t been staying at

home for the past few months. He really does have a girlfriend. Whose daughter is she?”

“He didn’t say.” Geoffrey said thoughtfully, “I’ll have someone look into it.”

His son had always had his own ideas, and didn’t like others meddling in his affairs. Geoffrey had

always respected his decisions, so he was still hesitating whether to investigate or not.

Cathrine came over and sat across from him, her expression gentle, “Could you not look into it? This is

Jonathan’s own business. If you interfere, he might be upset. We should trust Jonathan. He’s always

been disciplined when it comes to relationships. We’ve already pressured him into marrying for the

Macclain family, I believe he can handle his own feelings.”

Geoffrey had always respected his wife, and she rarely asked him for anything. Seeing her earnest

gaze, he couldn’t help but soften, and nodded lightly, “Alright, we’ll wait for him to bring her home.”

Cathrine smiled, “Thank you.”

Looking at the woman he had spent a lifetime with, Geoffrey felt a warmth in his heart, “It’s late. You

should get some rest.”

“Okay.” Cathrine nodded lightly, got up and went back to the inner room.

Estelle was woken up from a dream by the noise. She called out his name in a daze, “Jonathan.”

“Jonathan, stop messing around!”

She tried to grab him, but ended up having her wrist caught.

Jonathan held Estelle’s chin and kissed her.

Estelle instinctively dodged, making the man chuckle.

In the end, she was held by the wrist and kissed deeply.

“Didn’t you say you weren’t going to come over?”

“I can’t sleep if I don’t.” Jonathan kissed her over and over, from passionate to gentle, his voice deep

and husky.

Estelle hugged his neck, moved, and couldn’t help but call out, “Honey.”

Jonathan stiffened, “What did you call me?”

Estelle instantly sobered up, breathed softly, and pretended to be confused, “Hmm?”

“Say it again.” Jonathan coaxed her in a whisper, holding her waist.

Estelle leaned her forehead against his shoulder, tightened her arms, and couldn’t help but laugh.

Jonathan knew she was laughing, and thinking of her accidental address, he felt a different kind of

satisfaction. He held her slender waist tightly and kissed her again.

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