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Chapter 798

Chapter 798

The next morning, Estelle bid adieu to her granddad and Old Wade, and was chauffeured to the airport

by the Jarvis family’s driver.

At nine on the dot, Estelle spotted Jonathan strutting out of the VIP lane. Decked out in a black coat

and looking as dashing as ever, he quickened his pace towards her.

Although they had only been apart for a few days, it felt like ages. Jonathan’s gaze was fixed on hernovelbin

and her alone. He flung his arms open, wrapping her in a tight embrace, unwilling to let go.

Estelle noticed the stares from the passersby. She lifted her head from his chest, asking, “When do we

hit the road?”

“We were supposed to catch the ten o’clock flight, but we can’t leave just yet,” he gently stroked her

face, his voice low, “Shall we head back to that hotel we stayed in last time?”

Estelle’s ears turned pink. Seeing the tenderness and eagerness in his eyes, she couldn’t resist.

They returned to the hotel and suite from their last visit. Once the door was closed, Estelle found

herself pinned against the wall by Jonathan. He held her chin, looking deep into her eyes, whispering,

“Miss me?”

His words barely out, he began to kiss her lips.

Estelle was breathless from his kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, steadying herself.

Jonathan shrugged off his coat and cradled her in his arms, showering her with passionate,

affectionate kisses. “I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since you left. You’re all I dream about”


“I would’ve gone nuts if I couldn’t see you again.”

Estelle held onto his arm tightly, reciprocating his kisses.

Exhausted, Estelle fell asleep. When she woke up, Jonathan was nowhere in sight. She glanced at the

clock. It was already 1 pm.

She attempted to get up, but her body felt weak. She laid back down.

Suddenly, the door opened. Jonathan walked in, wearing a light beige shirt. He sat on the bed and

grinned, “You’re awake, baby.”

Estelle lay beneath a thin blanket, her shoulders and collarbones adorned with faint marks of ardor.

Squinting her eyes, she appeared content and fulfilled, resembling a satiated cat after a hearty meal.

Jonathan bent down, cupped her face, and planted a gentle kiss. His eyes were full of warmth.

“Get up and grab a bite. If you’re too tired, we can rest tonight and leave tomorrow.”

Estelle lazily raised her arm around his neck. “I think it’d be better if I rest on the plane.”

Jonathan chuckled, pressing his forehead against hers. “So you think I wore you out? Actually, you

were more…”

Estelle immediately raised her head, “Don’t say it.”

“Okay, I won’t.” Jonathan stroked her hair. His eyes were filled with fondness. “Let’s get something to

eat, rest a bit, then we can hit the road.”

He picked up her robe, helped her put it on, then carried her to the dining room for lunch.

The hotel provided a set lunch. Jonathan ordered a few dishes to Estelle’s taste. She was famished

and found the food delicious, eating to her heart’s content.

After lunch, they left the hotel, returned to the airport, and took a flight out of C City, heading towards

Grand Falls.

This was their pre-planned itinerary. They were going on a trip together, starting from C City during their


The first stop was Grand Falls. After a ten-hour flight, they arrived at night.

Outside the airport, a car was waiting for them. After a two-hour drive, they finally reached Jonathan’s



The mansion, a product of 19th-century construction, exuded the quintessential charm of a French

dome garden-style villa. Nestled amidst expansive woodlands, a marble pathway guided visitors to the

grand entrance. Stepping inside, one would be greeted by the resplendent French-inspired decor and a

striking color palette. The visual spectacle within swiftly dispelled any weariness from the journey,

offering a rejuvenating ambiance.

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