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Chapter 721

Chapter 721

Estelle’s eyes were calm, “I’m engaged next month, which means I’m not engaged yet.”

Emily was stunned. At first she decided to confess to Charle, but now she is completely dumbfounded

Estelle poured her a cup of water, “Don’t freak out”

Emily tightly grasped Estelle’s hand, shaking her head frantically, “Estelle, I think I’m running out of


Estelle glanced at Charlie, who was surrounded by people asking about the wedding date, her eyes

deep and thoughtful. This situation was beyond her expectations.

Charlie wasn’t with Noreen, but he already had a new girlfriend so quickly. Even if he accepted Emily

and the child, would he be a good match for


Over here. Yvonne was taking care of Cynia, so Charlie had some free time and went to the balcony for

a smoke.

Jonathan came over and asked calmly. “Why do you suddenly want to get engaged? Aren’t you an


“Didn’t you not want to get married before? You changed your mind when you met Estelle.” Charlie

took a puff of cigarette, his eyes were indifferent, and smiled. “It just suddenly felt boring!” My mom

always wanted me to settle down, as long as she’s happy, it’s fine”

“Are you happy?” Jonathan asked, “Do you like Ms. Blanco?”

“Why wouldn’t I? Women are all the same in bed” Charlie said nonchalantly

Jonathan patted him on the shoulder, “Marriage is different from having fun, I advise you to be


Charlie chuckled softly, “Not everyone can find love, and not everyone needs it. You and Estelle just be

happy, as for me, don’t worry about it. I’ve been living like this for years, and from now on, it’s just an

added different status.”

Jonathan glared at him and didn’t say anything further.

The two chatted for a while, and Charlie went to the bathroom

Emily watched Charlie’s figure, still wanting to try and talk to him one more time. Even if he didn’t

believe her, even if he didn’t want the child, she just wanted an answer Just like Estelle said, if he didn’t

want the child, then from now on, the child would be hers alone.

She and Charlie have never had any relationship since then,

From now on, whoever he marries and who she marries will have nothing to do with each other!

She made up her mind and walked towards the hallway leading to the bathroom

Everyone was having a good time in the private room, and the hallway to the bathroom was dimly lit,

seemingly isolating the noise from the restnovelbin

of the room.

Emily leaned against the wall, waiting for Charlie.

The waiting time felt unbearably long, as she kept thinking about how to start the conversation, how to

explain, and how to deal with it if he refused to believe her or refused the child.

She took a deep breath, leaning against the cold wall, her fingers tingling with uncontrollable tension

Soon, Charlie came out, and Emily’s heart raced. She mustered up the courage, stood up and walked

over, “Charlie…”

Charlie’s handsome face looked indifferent, as if he hadn’t seen her and didn’t pay her any attention,

walking straight past her, brushing past her shoulder.

Even though he heard her voice, the man didn’t stop walking.

Like a complete stranger.

Emily stood there awkwardly, her mouth slightly open, unable to say the words she had planned.

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