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Chapter 686

Chapter 686

As Yvonne chailed with others, she couldn’t help but peek at the balcony, She saw Jonathan

unabashedly kussing Estelle and gently caressing her head, a tenderness on his face she had never

seen before.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that everything around her became dull and tasteless She was

pursued by others, and Estelle was ignored, but as long as that person stood by Estede’s side, he

alone was worth more than everything else.

A girl who came with Carson’s girlfriend Cicely picked up a glass of wine and walked toward Charlie.

“Mr. James!” The woman was wearing a tight–fitting dress, with glamorous makeup, slender waist, and

sexy figure

She and Charlie were not strangers, they had met at a cocktail party before. If Charlie hadn’t had a

date at that time, things would have gone further between them.

Perhaps tonight was another good opportunity?

However, Charle looked a bit cold, “Ms. Clancel”

as she h

The woman bent down to grab a cigarette, deliberately leaning forward for Charlie to see, and as she

handed the cigarette to him, she raised her eyebrows, suggesting, “How about going somewhere for a

drink after the party?”

Charlie didn’t take the cigarette, as elegant and handsome as ever, but with a touch of weariness and

disgust in his eyes. “No need, I’m not really in the mood tonight”

Well, we can set another time.” The woman was unwilling to give up easily, her expression growing

more enchanting.

Charbe leaned back on the sofa, showing indifference. “What, is Carson too stingy to spend money

tonight, so the girls he invited aren’t enough, and Ms. Clarice count?”

The woman’s face suddenly changed, “Mr. James, just refuse if you don’t like it, no need to insult


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Tve already declined, it’s you who pretended not to hear!” Charlie’s face showed irritation, “I hate it

when women don’t know their place. Get lost!”

The woman angrily and embarrassedly got up and left.

After scolding the woman, Charlie felt even more irritable, he got up and walked outside.

He left the private room and went to the outdoor terrace to get some fresh air, lit a cigarette, and tried to

vent his inner depression.

Halfway through the cigarette, he heard an argument from the side

“I told you to deliver it on time at 8 o’clock, and now it’s ten minutes late!”

“You have no sense of time, no wonder you’re only delivering cakes!”

“Can you people have some brains and not make your customers worry?”

The woman rattled off a string of complaints before another voice explained.

I’m sorry. There was a traffic jam on the road, so I was late. I am really sorry!”

Charbe was about to go back when he heard the voice. His face changed slightly, and he slowly

walked over

Standing on the railing on the second floor, he could overlook the entire first–floor lobby. At this

moment, a woman in a black cashmere coat was seated on a couch, her arms crossed, angrily

accusing the person opposite her who was holding a cake.

The grl was dressed in loose–fitting work clothes, her hair tousled, looking very disheveled, holding a

cake and apologizing in a soft voice about why she was late.

The woman wouldn’t let it go. “You are late. I don’t want the cake anymore. You can take it back!”

The girl suddenly became panicked. It’s only ten minutes late. I can compensate you, but the cake is

too expensive. The store won’t take it back. I really can’t afford it!”

“That’s your problem! The woman spoke harshly, Ten minutes is enough time for a lot of bacteria to

grow on the cake, making it not fresh anymore. If something happens when I eat it, can you take

responsibility? Can you? Don’t stand in front of me reeking of poverty Just leave!”

The girl was about to cry, it’s not on purpose. The cake was properly sealed and wasn’t damaged. It’s a

2000 euro cake, I really have no way to explain it to the store. Please, taken!” Watching the young girl,

red–eyed and pleading desperately, Charlie felt a mix of discomfort and indifference.

He wouldn’t help her like he used to From that day on, they were strangers.

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