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Chapter 677

Chapter 677

Henson clearly didn’t believe it and moved closer to Estelle, his face inches away from hers. He asked,

“Tell me, when did you start being with him?”

Estelle’s eyes flickered, but she tried to act calm “I don’t remember she replied

Henson sensed that she wasn’t being sincere. He pressed further,

“So, what do you like about my uncle? You must know this, right?”

Estelle paused, flipping through the book in her hands, and wore a thoughtful expression. “I like his mo

ney, his house, and, of course, he’s not bad looking ether she admitted

“Seriously?” Henson stared at her, incredulous.

Suddenly, Estelle reached out and flipped open Henson’s phone, which was on the table. She glanced

at the call screen and smiled. “Mr. Lamont, are you satisfied with my answer?” she asked.

Jonathan’s laughter came through the phone. “Quite satisfied, especially with the last part

Estelle chuckled and replied. “Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Lamont. I have to tutor Henson now G

otta go!”

“No problem, babe, Jonathan said.

Estelle’s face blushed slightly after hearing that, and she immediately hung up the phone.

Henson said disdainfully, “Never thought my uncle would be so cheesy!

Estelle glanced at him, T’d rather discuss how you sold me out first!”

Henson’s face changed instantly. “He called me first!”

“Really? Estelle reached for the phone to check, but Henson immediately held it down, “Auntie!”

Estelle frowned, “What did you call me?”

Henson quickly straightened his attitude, ‘Ms. Macclain!”

Estelle took on a teacher’s demeanor, ‘I won’t be mad if you promise me one thing.”

“What is it?” Henson asked quickly

“During our lessons, we can’t talk about me and your uncle!” Estelle said, her tone serious.

Henson’s eyes shifted. “Can we discuss it after class?”

Estelle nodded “Yes, after class.‘

Henson immediately grinned. “Alright, I’ll ask you about it later then ”

Estelle smiled and continued flipping through the textbook, preparing to review his homework.

“One last question, Henson leaned in closer suddenly ‘Ms. Macclain, how did you know I was on the p

hone with my uncle?”

Estelle’s eyes remained on the book, not locking up.

‘Simple Your phone changed positions after I left, and you usually don’t put your phone face down on th

e table”

Henson looked impressed. ‘Auntie, I’m starting to admire you more and more!”novelbin

“Hmm?” Estelle raised her eyebrows and looked over

Henson grinned, ‘Ms. Macclain!‘

On Monday afternoon, Estelle went to the film crew, and as soon as she arrived, Nanette had someone

call her in, cursing in anger, “I thought you were dead! How dare you block my calls? You don’t want to

stay in this crew anymore, huh?”

“Whether I stay or not isn’t up to you!” Estelle said coldly, “But whether I’m your assistant,I can decide for myself. From now on, I’m not your assistant. You can find someone else!”

After saying that, Estelle turned around and walked out!

“What kind of attitude is this, come back!” Nanette cursed, “If you dare to walk away, I’ll make sure you

won’t be able to stay in J City!”

Estelle didn’t even turn her head back, and just walked away.

Nanette was furious and took out her phone to call Manley, “Manley, someone’s bullying me!”

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