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Chapter 653

Chapter 653

“Estelle Janice was taken aback and said to Yvonne, “Yvonne, what’s going on? Tell us the truth”

Yvonne hesitated saying. “Actually, it can’t be all blamed on Estelle.”

It’s her fault! Josiah saw that Yvonne was still defending Estelle and was indignant on her behalf. He sa

id directly, ‘It’s because Estelle offended an actor in the crew, who happens to be Malloy’s girlfriend Mal

loy wanted to get revenge for his girlfriend and that’s why he kidnapped Estelle Henson just got involve

d because of her

“Josiah would you quit it! Yvonne tugged at his clothes.

Janice and Cathrine exchanged glances, both surprised It turned out that it wasn’t about Henson, but E


Janice laughed and said, “Well, as long as everyone’s okay!

“It’s just that Henson got lucky! Josiah sneered

As they were talking, Jonathan came in with Henson Cathrine immediately got up and hugged Henson,

looking him up and down, “My baby, are you hurt?” Henson said calmly. “No, I m fine

What happened to your hand? Cathrine looked at the marks on his hand and winced

It’s nothing! Henson pulled his hand back and saw Janice coming over, calling out, “Mom!”

“Good, not crying in fear, becoming a real man! Janice laughed.

Norah had just returned and was also scared She hugged Henson and said, “I won’t argue with you an

ymore. That scared the hell out of mel

After some chit–chat with the family, Janice asked Jonathan, “How is Estelle?”

Jonathan replied, “She’s fine Millard took her home”

Cathrine asked, “So those people really went there for her?”

Jonathan turned to look at Yvonne

Yvonne’s heart jumped, but she remained calm and did not explain

Henson immediately explained,

“Grandma, it’s all because I dragged Ms Macclain into this She’s amazing at fighting, and those people

were no match for her if they hadn’t threatened her by kidnapping me, she wouldn’t have been caught*

“Really?” Cathrine held his hand and said, “So is she really good at fighting?”

“Of course, she knows everything” Henson said proudlynovelbin

Cathrine laughed heartily, “I didn’t expect that from her She’s such a delicate girl, but so powerfull

Yvonne saw that Henson had resolved Cathrine’s doubts with just a few words and felt resentment in h

er heart

Jonathan said, “Now that Henson is back, I have to deal with the rest of the issues. I’ll leave first.

Cathrine said worriedly, “Just report those people to the police and don’t be too impulsivel

“Alright.” Jonathan nodded slightly and turned to leave.

Yvonne thought for a moment, got up, and chased after him to the yard, shouting, “Jonathan?”

Jonathan turned around, his face cold as ice in the night, Yvonne, Estelle is actually the victim. I don’t w

ant to hear any more criticism about her Yvonne’s face suddenly turned pale, and she stood in the wind

, shaking with vulnerability

“Jonah, it wasn’t Yvonne who said it.”

Josiah ran over and stood protectively next to Yvonne. 1 told them, not Yvonne You’re wronging her. If

you want to blame someone, blame me Yvonne lowered her eyes, biting

her lower lip, looking strong but wronged

Tm sorry Jonathan apologized to Yvonne and ordered Josiah, Take

Yvonne home I have things to deal with. I’m leaving now.”

He quickly walked away

Josiah complained, Jonah doesn’t know right from wrong All he cares is Estelle This is too much”

Yvonne shook her head, “It’s not his fault He’s just too anxious today”

Seeing Yvonne still defending Jonathan, Josiah felt even more heartbroken for her He didn’t say anythi

ng more and just said. “Let me take you home

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