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Chapter 650

Chapter 650

As they were getting closer, the headlights from the oncoming cars shone in their direction. Henson squ

inted and suddenly said, “Stop the car, it’s my uncle!”

Estelle hits the brakes in shock and looks at the other side.

The car

in the front had already stopped, and a man got out and headed straight for the villa. More people cam

e out of the car behind him, surrounding the entire villa together

“It really is my uncle Henson shouted excitedly, pushing the car door open and running out


let out a sigh of relief, slowly unbuckling her seatbelt and watching as the man approaches with a slight

smile on her lips

Jonathan hugged Henson who rushed

over and looked up at Estelle. As their eyes met, Estelle’s smiling

More than ten cars stopped outside the villa, and the headlights lit up the yard like daylight

Jonathan patted Henson on the shoulder reassuringly, seeing that he’s not injured. He released him annovelbin

d walked towards Estelle

Estelle had already gotten out of the car and was also walking towards him!

With his gaze fixed on Estelle, Jonathan’s pace quickened. He reached out and tightly embraced her, t

aking a deep breath as if they had survived a catastrophe, and closed his eyes.

His body trembled slightly, and involuntarily tightened his arms around her, as if trying to embed her int

o his body

Estelle sensed his fear and nervousness, hugging him back and whispering, “It’s okay now, both Henso

n and I are unharmed”

Jonathan’s heart rate didn’t settle down, even now that she’s in his arms

He kept kissing her temple, his cold lips trailing down from her brow to her nose and finally finding her lips, kissing her deeply

He passionately kissed her, completely disregarding the fact

that there’s a crowd of people watching behind him

Henson’s eyes widened, a mix of surprise and understanding crossing his face. There were so many th

ings about his teacher that he had been unaware of He had even denied it before!

Charlie approached from behind, covering Henson’s eyes and leading him to the car while chuckling.

“Kids shouldn’t be watching this!”

Yvonne followed, her gaze fixed on the two people kissing Her face turned pale as if struck by countles

s arrows Seeing and knowing something firsthand were entirely different experiences!

She had never witnessed Jonathan in such a nervous and passionate state before!

Josiah couldn’t bear to let Yvonne continue watching and whispered, “Yvonne, Henson and the others

are safe now Let’s get in the car

Yvonne turned around in a daze, her complexion drained of color Slowly, she opened the car door and

climbed inside, but even from within the vehicle, she could still see what was happening outside.

At this moment, she only regreted coming here with Josiah Why did she have to witness this scene, wh

y did it have to make her more desperate and resentful towards Estelle?

The one in his arms should be her!

It should ve been her!

She sat in the car, watching the two with a heart full of pain and resentment. Her eyes were dry and sor

e, without any tears.

Jonathan left the villa, holding Estelle’s hand in a split second, his voice turned cold and he ordered Br

ooks, ‘Go in and bring out those people, whether they are dead or alive”


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