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Chapter 640

Chapter 640

Sallie abruptly stood up, snatched her own juice, and flung it onto Carmella’s face. “How shameless!”

she exclaimed.

“Ah! Carmella screamed, attempting to dodge the splashing liquid.

Simone quickly handed her a tissue to clean her face, then turned and scolded Sallie, “What on earth

do you think you’re doing?”

Leonie also tried to restrain Sallie, saying, “Sallie, what has gotten into you?”

Terrence sternly reprimanded, “Where are your manners? Stanley, you need to discipline Sallie!”

Sallie pushed Leonie away and glared at the seemingly innocent Carmella. “There’s no way Estelle

plagiarized your work! I didn’t want to say it before, but since you’re so shameless, I won’t cover it up

for you any longer.”

Sallie glanced around at everyone present and boldly declared, The truth is, Carmella is the one who

plagiarized Estelle’s designs and was expelled from Snowy Studios!”

Everyone was stunned, and a heavy silence fell over the entire restaurant.

Carmella stared at Sallie in panic and exclaimed, “You… you’re talking nonsense!”

Sabina furrowed her brow, saying. This is a serious matter in the industry, Sallie. You can’t simply make

baseless accusations like that!”

Seeing Simone, who’d always favored and spoiled Carmella, keeping quiet, Leonie sneered, “I have a

feeling that this might actually be true!”

Carmella’s face changed, and she angrily stared at Sallie, “Did Estelle tell you? Was it her?”

Sallie replied, “It has nothing to do with her. Someone else told me!”

Coincidentally, Jessica’s cousin also studied design and was Sallie’s classmate. Sallie’s classmate had

learned about the incident first and had jokingly mentioned it to Sallie at a gathering.

That’s when Sallie found out that Carmella had been fired from Snowy Studios.

Sallie continued, “You’re still trying to deceive everyone even though the evidence has been found.

You’ve got some nerve!”

“Shut up!” Carmella suddenly stood up, tears streaming down her face, and accused Sallie, ‘You’ve

been bought by Estelle! You and your brother have both been bought! I didn’t plagiarize her, I didn’t!”

With that, she got up and ran outside.

“Carmella!” Simone called out and hurriedly chased after her.

Sallie got up and followed as well.

The few of them ran out to the courtyard, and Sallie shouted, “Aunt Simone!”

Simone stopped, turned around, and looked at Sallie with hatred, “What benefits did Estelle give you

that made you expose Carmella in public?!”

Sallie frowned at Simone, ‘Aunt, you can’t be so biased! It was clearly Carmella who framed Estelle fornovelbin

plagiarism. You must know the truth too. Why didn’t you speak up for Estelle earlier?”

Simone’s eyes darted around evasively as she responded, “Carmella has already been through so

much pain lately, almost to the point of self-destruction over this matter. Are you suggesting that I push

her even further?”

“Her suffering is entirely her own doing. Does a criminal deserve forgiveness just because they appear

pitiful?” Sallie sneered. “Aunt, open your eyes and see! Carmella is hypocritical and malicious. She

schemed to drive Estelle away from your side so that she could monopolize your and Uncle’s fortune!

Estelle is your real daughter and our true family member. You should embrace Estelle instead!”

Simone angrily retorted, “Sallie, are you a junior trying to lecture me? It’s not your place to interfere in

our family matters!”

Sallie gritted her teeth in frustration, “You don’t deserve to be Estelle’s mother. Sooner or later, you’ll

regret this!”

“It’s all because of you envious and incompetent people trying to bring Carmella down!”

Simone couldn’t hear Sallie’s words as she turned away, determined to chase after Carmella once


Back in the dining room, Terrence frowned and asked Bennett, “is what Sallie said just now true? Did

Carmella really plagiarize Estelle’s designs?” Bennett lowered his head, his face pale, and after a long

while, he slowly nodded.

“Damn it!” Terrence slapped the table hard, “Our family spent so much time and money on raising her,

and she did something as disgraceful as plagiarism! She completely ruined our family’s reputation!”

Bennett remained quiet, embarrassed and ashamed

“Estelle is so heartless Elizabeth complained, They’re sisters, what’s the problem with borrowing

ideas? She had to make it known to everyone is she proud of herself?”

Natalia sighed, “After all, they’re not real sisters!”

Hans disapproved, “Grandma, you’re wrong about that. Are you saying that Estelle should have

pretended nothing happened after Carmella plagiarized her work? Should she ask Aunt Simone and

Uncle Bennett for justice?”

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