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Chapter 611

Chapter 611

pushed the cards away directly, I don’t want to play anymore, I’m going to listen to Josiah sing ”

Everyone got up and sat on the sofa, listening to Josiah’s singing and clapping along to the beat.

After Josiah finished singing Yvonne also sang a classic song, Eyes On You

Her singing was emotional and a bit plaintive, the hall gradually quieted down, and everyone immersed

themselves in her


Josiah, who knew Yvonne’s thoughts best, couldn’t help but feel sorry for her and gave Estelle a cold


After the song, everyone applauded, and Yvonne humbly said, “I haven’t sung in a long time.”

Next, someone else took the microphone to sing

The others suddenly had nothing to do, so Carson suggested playing Truth or Dare, and everyone whonovelbin

didn’t sing could join


Everyone sat in a circle, Jonathan naturally sat next to Estelle, others didn’t pay attention, but Yvonne’s

eyes were getting


Fortunately, the room was lively, and with dim lighting, no one noticed other people’s facial expression.

In the first round, Carson beat the drum, starting with Yvonne passing the rose.

Carson was cunning, he only hit it three times and then stopped.

Josiah was startled and threw the rose directly to Charlie next to him.

Everyone laughed, and Carson asked Charlie if he chose Truth or Dare?

Charlie chose Truth

Carson smiled. “Since we’re playing, let’s go big, have you ever slept with a man?”

Charlie laughed directly. “No, I swear!”

Everyone burst into laughter, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Next was Charlie’s turn to beat the drum. He hit it for about ten seconds, and when he pulled down his

blindfold, he saw

Jane put the rose in Emily’s hand

Emily looked at Charlie blankly

Charlie asked. “Which one do you choose?”

Emily thought about it, “Truth”

Charlie smiled softly. “Who was the first boy you liked?”

Emily blushed and whispered “Would you believe me if I said there was none?”

“No way” Jane was the first to jeer, “How could there be none? There must have been boys you liked

when you were in school, right?”

“No, really, my mom forbid me from dating early, so I just focused on studying” Emily said honestly

Everyone laughed and Estelle said I believe Emily”

Carson also said he believed her. Although Emily rejected him, he still felt that Emily was the best girl

he had ever seen. And since she said she never liked anyone he felt a little comforted

At least when she refused him, it wasn’t because he was worse than someone else!

“I believe you too!” Charbe’s eyes smiled as he handed the drum to her

Emily beat the drum, and the flower ended up in Charlie’s hands again. If it weren’t for the fact that she

was blindfolded, she would have thought it was deliberate revenge!

They were still close, face to face, which felt even more awkward than before. Emily soon stopped

talking and waited for the three minutes to pass.

They were the most prolonged three minutes of her life.

“Alright!” Estelle yelled once the time was up.

Emily finally sighed in relief.

Charlie took a step back, turned around, and spoke to everyone else with a calm expression, “I kept my

word. Now, all of you better watch out!”

Emily lingered in the darkness for a moment, regaining her calm before stepping out of the corner.

The game went on, with Charlie hitting the drum and Yvonne ending up being the next in line. She

chose the “truth” option.

However, Charlie didn’t dare ask anything too risky, only inquiring, “When was the first time you lied?”

It was a simple question, but Yvonne thought for a long time before looking in Jonathan’s direction,

“Four years ago, in a coffee shop on the street corner. I told that person not to wait for me.”

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