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Chapter 298

Chapter 298

Charlie frowned, “I’m not afraid of him doing any bad, it’s just that he’s always running around, and my novelbin

uncle is not at ease.”

Jonathan said, “Josiah has grown up a lot in the past two years. Although he’s been learning from my w

ork, he has his own ideas, don’t always treat him as a kid

“Yeah, I hope he’ll behave a bit this time when

he comes back!” Charlie replied casually, then suddenly looked at Jonathan, “Did you really quit smoki


Jonathan said nonchalantly, “I didn’t have much of an addiction anyway, so quitting is not big deal.”

Charlie chuckled, “Is Estelle the one who asked you to quit? She’s already starting to control you, man,

I’m telling you, don’t spoil your woman too much, or you’ll suffer in the long run!”

Jonathan didn’t get angry because of Charlie’s words, but instead he felt a strange delight and comfort i

n his heart. He didn’t reply, just smiled and thought, Estelle probably wanted me to smoke, so she can

have an excuse to eat ice cream.

As they chatted, Jonathan occasionally peeked at the entrance. Suddenly, his

phone vibrated, and he saw it was Chuck. He got up and went to the balcony to answer the call.

Charlie, who had drunk quite a bit, also got up to go to the restroom.

As both of them left, Estelle walked in with the drinks.

There was no one near the sofa, so Estelle put the drinks on the coffee table. She saw that Jonathan’s

suit jacket had fallen to the ground, and went to pick it up.

Josiah came over to get a drink, and saw Estelle holding Jonathan’s jacket. His face darkened instantly

, “What are you doing?”

Estelle looked up and saw a stranger’s face, a boyish–

looking guy with handsome features and a fit physique, who came up to her in a few steps.

Standing in front of Estelle, Josiah snatched Jonathan’s suit, frowning, “Trying to steal something?”

Estelle calmly said, “His jacket fell, and I was just picking it up.”

“I saw you picking it up, but if I didn’t, who would know if you were trying to steal something or not?” Jo

siah scoffed.

Estelle found him unreasonable but didn’t say anything. She sat down

on the sofa and opened the drinks.

à and opene

“Who told you to sit down? Is that how Midnight Bar’s wait staff behaves?” Josiah looked down at

Estelle disapprovingly.

“Josiah!” Charlie came out of the restroom and called out to him, walking over quickly. “Who are you tal

king to?”

Josiah pointed at Estelle and sneered, “Is this Midnight Bar’s waitress? Not only does she sit on the sof

a, but she also opens customers‘ drinks without permission!”

Charlie laughed, “She’s a friend of Jonathan’s and mine. Don’t be so jumpy, you’ll scare her, and

then Jonathan will come after you!”

After that, he introduced Estelle to Josiah, “Sorry about that, this is my little brother, Josiah. He just cam

e back to J City!”

Estelle stood up and smiled softly, “My name’s Estelle. Nice to meet you.”

Josiah looked suspiciously at Charlie, wondering how they could be friends with a waitress, especially

a beautiful one like her. Could they really just be friends?

Charlie patted him on the shoulder and guided him toward the entertainment area, “Go play your cards!

Josiah glanced back at Estelle and whispered to Charlie, “Bro, you got a female waitresses on your be


“What are you talking about?” Charlie slapped him on the head.

“Don’t you dare say that again, or I’ll teach you a lesson!”

Josiah laughed and went off to play.

Charlie returned and apologized to Estelle, “My brother’s been messing around outside all this time, he

doesn’t know how to talk properly, don’t take it to heart!”

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