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Chapter 240

Chapter 240

Emily came in with a glass of water

and saw Charlie sitting on the sofa. She walked over and put down the tray, “I cut some fruit for you. E

at the fruit before drinking water.”

Charlie saw the fruit platter, which was not only delicately cut but also well–

matched in color, making him appetite.

He ate a piece of pineapple with a fruit fork and smiled, “Whoever marries you in the future will definitel

y be lucky!”

Emily’s face turned red and she said with a self–

deprecating smile, “Nah, whoever marries me will regret it.”

“Why?” Charlie asked, puzzled.

Emily shook her head, unwilling to elaborate.

Charlie ate a piece of honeydew melon and asked, “What do you need a rental for? Are you moving out


Emily looked up at him in surprise, full of doubt. How did he know?

Charlie explained, “Sorry, I just saw it on your phone by accident.”

Emily suddenly realized and nodded, “Yes, I’m going to move out after you recover.”

“What’s the matter? You’re not comfortable living here?” Charlie asked with a smile.

Emily said, “Not that, but it’s not right for me to

live here for free. And I can’t afford the rent for such exalted place, so I want to find a cheaper place.”

Charlie laughed, “Who asked you for money?”

Emily said seriously, “In the past, Estelle asked me to help take care of the house, so I moved in. Now

that I know the house is yours, I can’t stay here anymore.”

Charlie smiled, “Why can’t you stay in my house? You can help me look after it too. I don’t usually com

e here, and there are many valuable things in the house. If anything goes missing, it’s much more expe

nsive than the rent.”

Emily looked at him skeptically.

Charlie continued, “To be honest, the

food you cook is to my taste. If you don’t feel comfortable living here for free, from

now on, whenever I drop by, you can cook me a meal as “rent.”

Emily thought about it for a while and figured it wouldn’t hurt to stay for a few more days.

While she was pondering, her phone suddenly rang. She looked at it, her face lit

up with joy, and she took the phone into her room.

Her mom was calling. Emily answered the phone and asked happily, “Mom, can I come

back home now?”

Her mom hesitated, “Emily, I have something to discuss with you.”

“What’s up?” Emily asked with a smile.

Her mother paused and then said, “Your brother and sister–in–

law want to buy a house in the city, but we

don’t have the money right now. We can only sell our current house and buy a smaller one in the city.”


smile froze. She asked in a soft voice, “Mom, you’re selling the house? Where should I go then?”

Their house was an old one. Although it’s big, the money they’d get from selling it could only afford a s

mall place in the city.

The problem was, if they

sold the old house and bought a new one, it would become her brother and sister–in–

law’s home. Where would she be?

Her mom’s voice full of guilt, “Emily, I’ll give you some of the money from selling the house. You can ren

t a place outside. After you graduate and get a job, you have to rent a place anyway.”novelbin

Emily choked up, “But once the old house is sold, I’ll be homeless!”

Her mom cried, “Emily, I have no choice. Your sister–in–law insists on buying a new

house, otherwise she won’t agree to the marriage.”

With tears in her eyes, Emily asked, “So, has the house already been sold?”

Her mother hesitated for a moment before saying, “Yes!”

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