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Chapter 2221

Sophia had been feeling better these past few days and had already returned to work at the studio.

"Mr. Gilder!" Sophia beamed, her tone light and cheerful, "I won't be coming home for dinner tonight. I tried calling Grandpa Quintin but he didn't pickup. He's probably out and about with Grandpa Jarvis. Could you let him know for me?"

Jason glanced at his watch. "Not coming home? Where are you off to?"

Sophia was bubbling with excitement. "Robin said we could knock off work early today. We're going to grab dinner together."

As the evening drew in, Jason's expression darkened, and after a moment of silence, he asked in a low voice, "Will you be coming back tonight?""I'm not sure. We've got movie tickets, so after dinner, we're thinking of catching a film. If it gets too late, I might not return!”


After hanging up, Jason looked up at the dimming sunset, suddenly feeling the chill of the cold wind

Ever since Sophia moved in with her mentor, she hadn't seen Robin Ziegler, keeping in touch via video calls instead. Today, Robin finally had somefree time, and Sophia was naturally thrilled. She booked a table at a restaurant and got movie tickets, planning for the two of them to have a properdate.

At 7 PM, they met at Astoria, a quaint restaurant. Robin asked, "Why'd you pick such an upscale place?"

Walking arm in arm with him into the restaurant, Sophia replied, "You've been working so hard lately. I thought it'd be nice to treat you!"Robin smiled warmly. "It's okay. It's all worth it for our future together!"

Sophia looked up at him. "But it still makes me worry."

Cnce seated and having ordered their meal, Robin asked, "Did you call Estelle about that matter I mentioned?"

Sipping her lemonade, Sophia bit her lip and said, "Robin, to be honest, I don't want to make that call.”

Robin frowned. "Why not?"

Sophia explained, "Estelle isn't involved in the Lamont Group's business. I don't want to put her in a difficult position.”Robin chuckled lightly. "How could it possibly make things difficult for her? It's just a simple favor."

"A simple favor could complicate her relationship with Jonathan."

"You're making it sound more serious than it is. Jonathan adores Estelle. How could one little favor ruin their relationship?”

Sophia didn't know what else to say and simply closed her eyes for a moment.

Robin placed his hand over hers,softening histone. "Sophia, I'm notasking fora backdoor deal. You >know I not that kind of person:just think, since we all know eachothe it could be a chance for”coffaboration. " Content belongs to


swnovel. ne oe)

"The Lamont Group needs good products, and mine can definitely meet their needs. If someone could just make the introduction, it'd be a win-win,right?"

Sophia nodded. "l get it. If I knew Jonathan personally, I'd surely introduce you, but involving Estelle."Robin interrupted, "What about Estelle? Isn't she your best friend?"

"Because we're close, I don't want to mix friendship with business interests.”

Robin's expression cooled slightly,though he'maintained his NNcomposure.’ ‘Sophia, I'm working onbuilding up the company not just forme but for us, for your parents toaceept me more easily.” Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org =

Sophia hurriedly replied, "I understand your feelings, but my parents don't care about those things. I like you, and I'm sure they will too."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Robin's brows furrowed. "So, you really won't make the call?”

Sophia responded, "If we want tocollaborate ith the Lamont family,we shoulcheam it on our own. Even ifa deal through Estelle worked outJonatfran might not say anything,but ethers in the Lamont Groupmight. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org =

The waiter arrived with their dishes.

Robin's face grew somber as he withdrew his hand, "Alright, you're right. Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's enjoy our dinner.”Sophia felt a twinge of guilt. "Robin, [—"

"It's my oversight. Let's drop it.” Robin forced a laugh, offering her some escargot cooked in white wine, "You love these, right? Let's eat.”Sophia nodded, "You too, eat up.”

The rest of the meal went by quietly. Robin didn’t show any displeasure, but Sophia could sense his mind was elsewhere.

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