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Chapter 2207

On the ride back to the apartment, Sylvia gazed out the window, her lazy eyes reflecting the night. cool as water.Drugged?

With ten people watching, she could switch her drink right under their noses without giving anything away.Baron's little tricks, dare to pull them on her?

Someone always said she wasn't skilled enough, and she just couldn't accept that!

Gabriel watched the girl's expressions change constantly and reached out to touch her forehead, "Drunk again?"

Sylvia leaned on his arm, looking up with a warm, soft smile, "Yeah, if I do something outrageous or say too much, just blame it on the booze, okay?No holding it against me!"

Gabriel glanced at her, “As if I'm ever that hard on you!"novelbin

Sylvia huffed, "You have no idea how intimidating you are!"

Gabriel smiled lightly, “And now?"

Sylvia. resting against the seat, her gaze intense, locked at him with admiration. “Now, it's reverence, respect!"

Gabriel looked ahead, "Biting is respect?"

Sylvia, seeing his serious face, suddenly burst into laughter, so much so that she leaned on him, her laughter making the cold night seem warm.Gabriel looked down at her. his lips curving slightly in response.

Back home, the two kissed in the living room for a long time. Sylvia pulled away from his lips and whispered, "Drink?"

Gabriel responded, "Didn't you have enough tonight?”

Sylvia smiled softly, "Want to get drunk, then I can make some outrageous demands!"

Gabriel's eyes darkened, "Go get the bottle!"

oments later, they saton the >balcony couch, a bottle of whiskeyon the table before them. Contentb

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Time passed, the living room lightsautomatically turned off, plunging”the roofrinto dimness, with only theoutside lights casting a gauzy‘g owon the two sitting shoulder tosheulder. Content belongs.toNovelDrama.Org -


Sylvia, halfteaning on him, looked upwith bright eyes, "I just found out-youcansing, Sing something formel"Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Xavier took a sip of his drink, his voice slightly hoarse, “Haven't sung in years!"Sylvia, her chin on his shoulder, shook her head, "No, I want to hear you sing.”

Xavier looked at her, "Being drunk doesn't give you a pass on all unreasonable demands!"

Sylvia blinked, smiling. “But you'll indulge me."

He looked at her deeply and said softly, “Just a few lines.”

"Can't wait!" The girl's eyes shone brighter than the moon outside.

Xavier thought for a moment, then started in a smooth, deep voice.

Suddenly, Sylvia looked down, hiding the gloss in her eyes, whispering. "Why'd you stop?"Gabriel said, "Haven't sung for a while, forgot the rest of the lyrics."

Sylvia nodded, her gaze lowered, "These lines were enough!"

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