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Chapter 2205

Dennis sidled up to Sylvia, flashing a grin. "Ms. Jarvis, I'm dying to know, how did you and Gabe cross paths?”

Sylvia, with a playful smirk, countered, "How about you? How did you guys meet?"

Dennis proudly declared, "We're brothers in arms!”

Sylvia feigned innocence, "Brothers in arms? What's that?"

"Ms. Jarvis, are you pulling my leg?" Dennis chuckled awkwardly. "It means friends who've fought side by side, of course."

"Oh!" Sylvia exclaimed, feigning realization. "Here I was thinking it meant friends who stab each other in the back during a fight!"Dennis's smile froze on his face, turning into an awkward grimace. "Ms. Jarvis sure has a wicked sense of humor."

Sylvia replied, "I'm not one for jokes, especially with people I'm not close to."

Dennis's mood darkened, slightly irritated, but knowing Sylvia was the apple of Baron's eye, he didn't dare make a scene. Instead, he retreated to acorner, deflated

Baron, sitting on the side, couldn't take his eyes off Sylvia, fascinated by her sharp wit. He felt an itch in his bones, a restless urge to sweep her intohis arms right then and there.

Audrey watched Dennis's discomfort with a sneer, exchanging a knowing glance with Baron before silently slipping out the door.

Outside the private room, Audrey checked her phone and saw a message from Blake. She made her way down the corridor to the left. in search ofGabe.

Gabe, just stepping out of the restroom, spotted Audrey waiting for him.

"Gabriel, we need to talk!" Audrey said, batting her eyelashes with a hint of flirtation.

The wall sconces cast a warm,yellow glow, but did nothing to <softenGabe’ s stern expression: Hisgazewas icy as he replied, ‘Spit itout ‘then. I don't have all day.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Audrey's confident demeanor faltered. "I've always had feelings for you, even when I was with Baron. It was just out of spite. You've always been theone for me!”

"I don't love you," Gabe said bluntly. "Never have.”

Audrey, stung by his rejection,frowned deeply. "Why? I can offeryou everything Sylvia can. Myfamily's company is bigger thanhers-Marry me, and I can guaranteeyorra VP position right away!"Céntent belongs to NovelDrama.Orgnovelbin

Leaning against the wall, Gabe massaged his temples, clearly annoyed. "Are you done?""You're not even going to consider it?" Audrey pressed.Gabe gave her a detached look. "Do you even know what I get from being with Sylvia?"

"What?" Audrey asked, both curious and frustrated.

Gabe paused, then turned to leave without answering“Gabriel!” Audrey stepped forward to stop him. "Sylvia is just a gold digger, living off other men. She's just using you. Sooner or later—"Gabe spun around, his expression no longer indifferent but filled with icy rage. "Shut up!”

Audrey was petrified by the chilling intensity in his eyes. For a moment, she felt a genuine fear for her life and promptly clamped her mouth shut.

Back in the private room, Baron hadDennis singstaking the opportunityto pour Syvia a glass of wine. "I wasjust joking with Ms. Jarvis todayHow gould I not support Gabe > nybrotaer in arms? This drink i ismyway ay of apologizing. Cheers Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ©

With that, Baron downed his glass in one go.

He then looked pointedly at Sylvia's glass. "Ms. Jarvis wouldn't refuse this gesture, right?”

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