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Chapter 2185

After dinner, Sylvia applied a light touch of makeup and slipped into her outfit for the day, ready tostep out. She glanced back at Gabriel, who seemed to be tagging along, and double-checked with aplayful tone, "You're really coming with me to work?"

Gabriel offered a casual smile. "You don't want me to?"

With a shrug and a hint of mischief in her voice, Sylvia replied, "Wouldn't dream of stopping you!"

They descended the apartment staircase, with Gabriel taking the driver's seat and Sylvia settlingbeside him. She sneaked glances at the imposing man beside her and couldn't help but giggleunder her breath. It felt like she was on top of the world.

At Glory Group's headquarters, the investigator Baron had dispatched quickly got back to him. "Mr.Barlow, that Gabriel had once registered a small business in M Country, but it's long gone. No traceof where he might be running a company now or what sort of business he's involved with."

Baron let out a dismissive chuckle. "If you can't find it, it probably doesn't exist."

The other end of the line concurred. "Seems likely."

"Alright, got it!" Baron hung up and turned to Dannis, lounging on the sofa with a bandage wrappedaround his forehead, and sneered, "My guys checked it out. All that talk about doing business is hotair. His little venture's been shut down for ages!"

Dannis, still nursing his wounded pride, scoffed, "So he's basically a freeloader?"novelbin

Handing Baron a cigarette and lighting it for him, Dannis added, "No need to worry about him then!"

Baron's laughter was cold and contemptuous. "Sylvia's been fooled, thinking she snagged the leg ofsome bigshot!"

Dannis, ever the sycophant, chimed in, "I asked the driver who took them home yesterday. Theywent to Willowbrook Plaza, apparently where Sylvia stays."

Baron's hatred mixed with frustration, "Not even willing to splurge on a hotel room. Thinks he cansnag a free ride, or maybe he's just playing the pretty boy? Pathetic!"

Dannis added, "His looks might get him a meal ticket, but daring to cross paths with someoneyou've got your eye on? Can't let him off easy!"

Baron took a drag of his cigarette, exhaling slowly with a vicious gleam in his eye. "Sylvia's mine,that's a given. As for Gabriel, got any ideas on how to take him out?"

Dannis jumped, a flicker of fear in his voice, "You want to kill him? Isn't that a bit much?"

"If not dead, then at least crippled. I never liked the guy!" Baron crushed his cigarette in the ashtray."He snubbed Audrey, who was way out of his league, and acted all high and mighty. I've wanted totake him down for a long time."

Dannis knew all too well that Baron was the type to hold grudges. Audrey had been the object ofBaron's unrequited affections, but she had only had eyes for Gabriel, a score that had goneunsettled.

The office was buzzing more than usual that day.

Gabriel, not wanting to distract Sylvia at work, found an empty desk outside her office and settledthere. It wasn't long before the desk was piled with assorted snacks and pastries.

Employees from the planning and PR departments would occasionally make a show of passing byGabriel on their way to the break room, their curiosity piqued.

"Wow, he's really handsome! Is he a client?"

"I'm not sure, but he's got an air about him!"

"Could he possibly be our boss's boyfriend?"

"I thought Sylvia's boyfriend was Eugene?"

Losing a round of rock-paper-scissors, Eunice from the PR department approached Gabriel with acup of coffee in hand, asking timidly, "Sir, do you take your coffee with milk or sugar?"

Looking up from his book, Gabriel replied, "I don't need either, thank you."

Lydia, another colleague, hurried over. "Sir, may I ask your last name? Are you one of our clients? Ican take you to the conference room and introduce you to our services."

Now emboldened, Eunice whipped out her phone. "Sir, can I follow you on Facebook, get to knoweach other!"

"Me too!" Lydia quickly produced her phone as well.

When Sylvia emerged from her office, she was met with this scene and her brows furrowed inirritation.

"Seems like everyone's got too much time on their hands. Isn't there work to be done?"

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