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Chapter 2176

It was a bustling Monday morning, yet Sylvia, the boss of a thriving marketing firm, didn't roll into theoffice until noon.

Her team, accustomed to her punctuality and dedication, couldn't help but whisper amongthemselves, wondering if their usually reliable boss had been whisked away on a romanticrendezvous.

Sylvia let the playful banter slide off her as she settled into her office chair, burying herself in workwithout even stepping out for lunch.

Her assistant mistook her boss's diligence for overtime zeal and brought her lunch with words ofpraise.

Rubbing her aching legs, Sylvia kept her cool. She could have made it to work on time this morning,but the sight of him emerging shirtless from the bathroom had made her rethink her priorities. It waslike those ancient tales where kings would forsake their thrones for a beauty—except now, she wasthe one beguiled into playing hooky for a few precious hours.

"Life's little pleasures," she mused, a wry smile tugging at her lips. She took a sip of her coffee andrefocused on the day's tasks.

The afternoon flew by, and as the day wound down, Eugene called to invite her out for dinner.

"I'm beat today. Maybe another time?" Sylvia demurred.

Eugene's voice was warm and patient. "It's not just dinner, Sylvia. A friend's firm is looking for areliable PR partner, and I've recommended you. He's free tonight, perfect time to meet and chat."

Business called, and Sylvia didn't hesitate. "Sure, where are we meeting?"

"9th Mansion. We all know it well," Eugene replied.

"See you in a bit," she said, and with that, she was out the door, ready for the evening'sengagement.

By the time Gabriel arrived at the 9th Mansion, the sky had deepened to a velvety black.

After parking his car, he pushed through the doors of the private dining room to a scene of livelycamaraderie.

Shirley stood up first, her surprise and delight evident. "Gabriel!"novelbin

Gabriel gave a curt nod to Shirley, who had put on a fair amount of weight. "It's been a while!"

"Indeed, it has," Shirley exclaimed, eyeing Gabriel. "You look the same as ever, unlike me—I'vegained a good few pounds over the years."

The others came over to exchange pleasantries with Gabriel as well.

At the table, one man remained seated, decked out in flashy designer wear, a diamond watch wortha small fortune sparkling on his wrist. He leaned back with an air of arrogance. "What's GabrielCarnes up to these days?"

In the military, they'd all known him simply as Gabriel Carnes.

Shirley's smile stiffened as she introduced the man. "This is Baron, remember him?"

Gabriel took his seat. "Of course, we were in the same unit."

As the old comrades settled in, stories of their training days began to unfold, a flood of memoriesthat seemed to transport them back to their youth, with endless tales and reflections.

Gabriel listened quietly, the conversations triggering his own rush of memories.

Dannis poured a drink for Baron. "Tonight, we're all here thanks to Baron's hospitality. I propose atoast to his generous host!"

Baron raised his glass lazily. "No need for formalities. Honestly, what's most important in life?Loyalty and friendship, especially among comrades-in-arms. If any of you ever run into trouble, justcome to me. I'll never turn away a friend in need."

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