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Chapter 2167

As he stood there in front of Jonathan, a sudden wave of understanding crashed over him. He gotwhy Xavier was fretting over their relationship. If they really ended up together, things would get atad messy. What was Xavier supposed to think of Jonathan?

As his uncle-in-law?

A smile suddenly tugged at the corners of Gabriel's stern face.

Climbing the stairs, they found Xavier on the balcony, taking a drag of his cigarette. He broke into agrin at their arrival, "Hey, you made it!"novelbin

Without thinking, Norah blurted out, "Didn't I tell you no smoking? The minute I step out, you're at it!"

Her words hung in the air, and then she remembered Jonathan was right behind her.

She took a cautious glance back and met Jonathan's meaningful gaze. A shiver ran down her spine,and she wished she could just burrow a hole through the second floor and tumble down to the first.

Estelle chimed in, "I knew he couldn't resist!"

Xavier's expression remained easygoing, "The wound's all healed up. No need to fuss."

He then looked to Jonathan and Gabriel, "Gab, Mr. Lamont, make yourselves at home!"

Gabriel responded, "Your injuries are severe. It's only right to lay off the smokes. Keep yourself incheck!"

Xavier chuckled, "Alright, I'll listen."

Norah gazed at Gabriel in admiration, "You're amazing. A simple word and Mr. Flemmings complies.We could talk ourselves blue in the face and get nowhere!"

Gabriel offered a bland smile, "If he steps out of line, he's in for five hundred push-ups!"

Xavier quipped, "Suddenly, I'm feeling very obedient!"

Estelle laughed, "Out of all of us, I've gotten off the lightest, right?"

"Don't remind me. Wolf took plenty of hits for you!" Xavier scoffed playfully.

As they reminisced, the atmosphere softened. Norah asked, "You guys haven't eaten yet, right?What's on your mind?"

Estelle suggested, "How about a barbecue? I'm dying for one of Zachary's secret sauce. You justcan't find that flavor anywhere else."

"Done!" Norah said with a grin, "I'll go tell Zachary. Just hang tight." And with that, she boundeddownstairs.

Jonathan stood up, "I'll be back in a bit. Carry on without me."

The unspoken understanding let Estelle know what Jonathan was probably going to do, but she justnodded without interfering, "Okay."

Jonathan headed down to the kitchen and found Norah chatting with Zachary. His voice was calm,"Norah, out to the yard."

Norah felt her heart skip a beat, knowing the inevitable was upon her. She took a deep breath andfollowed him to the backyard.

The winter yard was bare, save for the stark fence and the sweet osmanthus tree.

The cat growled at the stranger's approach, but quieted down after one stern look from the man,sitting there with a confused expression.

As Norah approached, the cat whined softly, a bit hurt for being spooked.

Norah fetched a bone for the dog, patted its head to comfort it, and then turned to Jonathan, "Eventhe dog is scared of you!"

Jonathan settled into a wicker chair, surveying the surroundings before asking, "Did you plant thesweet osmanthus and those flowers?"

Norah's playful smile returned, "Yep!"

Jonathan's retort was tinged with sarcasm, "What, setting up house here?"

Norah detected the displeasure in Jonathan's voice and straightened up, the smile fading, "It's justsome flowers; that's all."

Jonathan lounged back, his presence as chilling as the winter air, "We're short on gardening spaceat home?"

Norah bit her lip and whispered defensively, "Jonathan, didn’t you eventually agree to let me helpout at the restaurant? What, now that you've got Estelle, you're gonna kick down the ladder?"

Jonathan's laugh was cold, "What use is this ladder to me?"

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