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Chapter 2144

"Boyfriend?" Magdalen arched an eyebrow, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. "Since when didSylvia snag a beau?"

Evelyn offered an explanation, "You know, the guy she had dinner with at Ms. Jarvis'. Isn't he herboyfriend?"

Magdalen chuckled, her tone teasing, "Sharing a meal now means you're dating? Oh, girl, you'resuch an innocent soul."

Evelyn's cheeks flushed pink, and she fell silent.novelbin

"Sylvia's tied up with something. Looks like she'll be a while. Let's keep the game rolling," Marinashifted the focus, signaling the waiter to shuffle and deal a new hand.

Gabriel slid his chips forward, "Play on without me. I need a smoke."

As Gabriel stepped out, Magdalen's eyes followed him, her brow quirked ever so slightly.

With Sylvia absent, Timothy seemed distracted, his heart not quite in the game. He wasn't muchhelp to Evelyn with her cards and soon excused himself under some pretense.

Timothy wandered the corridor and, sure enough, bumped into Sylvia.

"Ms. Jarvis," He quickened his pace to greet her.

Sylvia offered a polite smile, "Timothy."

He stared at her intently, "Ms. Jarvis, have you given any thought to my offer? Join my company.You'd just need to accompany me to social gatherings. I promise I'll pay you more than what you'dmake running your own business."

The hallway was quiet, dim. Sylvia took a step back, maintaining her courteous demeanor, "I'veheard your girlfriend, the second daughter of the Foster family, is both beautiful and skilled in publicrelations. She would be more fitting as a partner in your company, don't you think?"

Timothy inched closer, his voice low, "Let's not beat around the bush, Ms. Jarvis. I've taken a likingto you since our first meeting. If you'd come work for me, I assure you, you'd want for nothing."

Sylvia's expression cooled, "Timothy, you came with Mr. Foster. What do you think he'd say if heknew his future brother-in-law was making advances on another woman in secret?"

Timothy curled his lip dismissively, "Don't use the Foster family to intimidate me. Yolanda's out therehaving more fun than anyone. It's an open secret."

"That's your business, not mine. And I have no interest in your company," Sylvia's tone was icilydetached as she tried to sidestep him back to the private room.

"Not giving me any face, Ms. Jarvis?"

Timothy reached out to grab her arm, forcing her to retreat again. He leaned his hand against thewall, cornering Sylvia with a sneer, "Playing the high and mighty? A public relations exec who'sclimbed the ladder by sleeping her way up. Got a little praise and now you think you're some kind ofnoblewoman?"

Sylvia's face was stone-cold, "Timothy, show some respect."

"Respect?" Timothy scoffed, "Rather than sleeping around, why not stick with just me? I told you, I'llpay you more than you could make selling yourself out there."

Sylvia's hand connected with Timothy's cheek, "Watch your mouth, or I won't be so polite next time."

"Bitch!" Timothy snarled, shoving Sylvia roughly against the wall, "I'm giving you a chance here.What, I'm not as good as those old men you've been with?"

Just as Sylvia was about to kick out, she caught sight of the man smoking behind the woodenpartition, and she held back, merely struggling, "Let go of me."

"What are you going to do if I don't? Don't play coy with me. If you want something, just say it!" hisvoice was sinister, "We're all in business here. Name your price, and stop putting on airs."

"If you don't let go, I'll call for help," Sylvia's anger was palpable.

"Call out. You think anyone will believe a PR girl claiming she was forced? They'll take my side,"Timothy was confident, dragging Sylvia toward an adjacent private room, "Maybe I should just seefor myself how much you're worth?"

"Let go of me."

After a few futile attempts to break free, Sylvia saw the man behind the partition turn to leave, andwith a mix of irritation and desperation, she called out, "You're really not going to help me?"

Timothy paused, following Sylvia's gaze to see a tall, imposing man approaching—none other thanGabriel, who had been playing cards with Sylvia earlier.

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