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Chapter 2138

Estelle greeted Sylvia, Marina, and the others as the waiter came over with a tray of drinks andfoods. They formed a lively circle, the buzz of conversation growing louder.

Estelle hadn't expected Evelyn to show up, but they had met before, so no formal introductionswere necessary.

She turned to Marina with a smile. "I've been wanting to thank you, and I'm so glad we could finallymeet today."

Marina laughed heartily. "No need for thanks among friends."

Estelle nodded. "Well, if you ever need anything, just holler."

Marina knew Estelle well enough to take her word as genuine friendship. She pursed her lips andnodded. "Deal."

They clinked glasses in agreement.

Estelle then looked at Amiee. "When are the invitations going out?"

Magdalen's eyes lit up with surprise. "Amiee, you're getting married? Is the date set?"

Sophia chimed in, "December 26th. It's coming up fast."

Amiee smiled serenely. "The invites will be sent out in the next couple of days. I hope everyone canmake it."

"We wouldn't miss it," Magdalen raised her glass. "Let's toast to Amiee's last month of freedom—may it be blissfully single."

The girls laughed and raised their glasses, the sound of toasting ringing pleasantly in the air.

Magdalen, after a hearty sip, asked Marina, "And you and Mr. Foster have been engaged for awhile. Set a date yet?"

Marina joked, "Spare me, please. Being engaged is enough, why rush to slap another chain on me?Right now, if he flirts with someone else, I can turn a blind eye. Married? That's a whole differentgame of pretense."

Magdalen laughed loudly. "How can you be so refreshingly candid?"

Marina replied, "A woman can live clear-headed as long as she doesn't get sentimental."

Sylvia nodded in agreement. "You speak the truth."

Marina toasted with her. "Here's to us, the clear-headed ones."

"Cheers to that," Sylvia clinked her glass with Marina's.novelbin

Amiee spoke up from the side, her voice light, "So, should I call off my wedding then?"

The group paused for a moment before erupting into laughter.

As they chatted, Estelle's phone rang. She excused herself to the balcony to take the call.

It was Manley, who had just seen the news from back home. He'd been on an adventure in Veridiaand had only just returned to the office.

Manley sounded concerned. "I'm thinking of coming back to check on you."

"It's all sorted out," Estelle reassured him.

Manley huffed, slightly annoyed. "So, you don't want to see me?"

"You can come back, but just so you know, if you clash with Jonathan, I'm not taking sides," Estellemade her stance clear.

Manley chuckled. "Worried I can't hold my own against him?"

Estelle scoffed. "You really know how to comfort yourself."

His voice dropped to a whisper. "I just miss you, that's all."

Estelle teased him. "Didn't find any girls on your adventure?"

"Well, I did actually," Manley sighed. "Gorgeous, but not someone I could bring back."

"Oh?" Estelle laughed lightly. "Someone you couldn't charm?"

"Exactly. A female mummy. If I'd tried to take her, the guard would have chased me across theOcean."

Estelle laughed openly.

After a moment of silence, Manley's voice softened with a smile. "Hearing you laugh, I know you'realright."

Estelle's laughter faded. "Manley, after the new year, Jonathan and I are getting married. I hope youand your girlfriend can come."

Manley was quiet for a while, then chuckled hoarsely. "What's the matter, if I have a girlfriend, youwon't feel guilty marrying him? You want to make it easy for yourself? I won't let you off that easy; Iwant you to feel like you owe me for life."

"Owe you?" Estelle laughed dismissively. "Don't worry, I wouldn't mind if you were alone forever."

"Estelle, how can you be so heartless?" Manley's tone was mockingly sorrowful. "You're kind toeveryone else, why so harsh with me? And yet, I'm hooked on your tough love. If one day you fellhard for me, I might not even like you anymore. Why don't you give it a try?"

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