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Chapter 2135

Just now, Evelyn caught a whiff of Sylvia's delicate fragrance lingering on Gabriel. Her nose was agift, a personal radar for scents, and she remembered each one distinctly. Sylvia's scent was softand subtle, irresistibly pleasant, etched into Evelyn's memory with clarity.

At this moment, the same scent intertwined with Gabriel's own robust, cool aura, creating anambiguous fusion on him.

Evelyn's mind flashed back to the previous night when Gabriel instinctively pulled Sylvia into hisprotective embrace as the acid bottle flew towards them.

So, Gabriel has feelings for Sylvia?

A tinge of disappointment washed over Evelyn.

No wonder he had flatly rejected the marriage idea the moment Old Mr. Quintin broached thesubject.

He already had someone in his heart.

But if he had someone he liked, why wouldn't he tell Old Mr. Jarvis?

Villa del Sol.

Estelle and Jonathan, along with Milo, had spent the day wandering the hills and returned to theirvilla when Magdalen's call came through.


Magdalen's buoyant tone seemed to warm the crisp evening air.

"Magdalen," Estelle replied with a light laugh.

"Where are you? Let's hang out tonight," Magdalen suggested cheerfully. "I've got Carson coming,and he's bringing some friends over—Charlie and Emily are in too."

Estelle remembered she wanted to thank Marina and Carson and readily agreed, "Sure, where arewe meeting?"

"Let's hit up the old haunt, 9th Mansion."

"I'll head over with Jonathan from Villa del Sol, might be a bit late though."

"No rush." Magdalen laughed. "We'll wait for you."


After hanging up, Estelle turned to Jonathan, "Magdalen suggested a get-together tonight; she'salready touched base with Mr. Foster and Charlie."

Jonathan nodded, "It's been a while since we all gathered."

Estelle suggested, "Let's invite my brother. He's in J City, and it would be good to introduce him tosome friends."

Jonathan agreed, "I'll give him a call."

Estelle paused before adding, "Should we invite Evelyn?"novelbin

Jonathan pondered, "There'll be a lot of people tonight, and Evelyn won't know anyone. It might beawkward for her. We can introduce her to friends another time, no hurry."

Estelle had no objections, "Okay."

After Jonathan called, Gabriel naturally accepted the invitation. Around six, he grabbed his jacketand headed out.

Downstairs, Old Mr. Jarvis and Old Mr. Quintin were deep in conversation, with Evelyn sitting besideOld Mr. Quintin, chiming in now and then, much to the old man's delight.

Noticing Gabriel was leaving again, Old Mr. Jarvis asked in surprise, "Off to see that old friend ofyours again?"

Gabriel had the sudden inkling Old Mr. Jarvis was onto something, but he kept his composure, "No,just dinner with Jonathan and the others."

"Is Estelle going too?" Evelyn chimed in unexpectedly.

Before Gabriel could respond, Old Mr. Quintin suggested, "Gab, why don't you take Nora along?"

Gabriel replied, "It might be a late night."

"The later, the better, as long as you're with her, I'll rest easy," Old Mr. Quintin chuckled, then turnedto Evelyn, "Go on, have fun, young people should socialize."

"I'll come back and keep you company later then," Evelyn beamed.

"Don't worry about me, just enjoy yourself." Old Mr. Quintin said with affection.

Evelyn nodded and made her way to Gabriel.

Gabriel didn't object and soon they were in the car, heading to 9th Mansion.

On the drive, Evelyn was elated, marveling at the glittering cityscape of J City, trying to strike up aconversation with Gabriel.

Gabriel, however, was reserved, contributing a word here and there, seemingly focused on driving.

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