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Chapter 2091

“Of course not!" Estelle exclaimed, finding the idea utterly ridiculous.

"Poor Sylvia, all alone in the world, fending for herself in J City. If she really gets together with Gab, it could be a perfect match!Magdalene had initially mentioned it in passing, but now she was warming up to the idea, "Grandpa wouldn't look down onSylvia's background, would he? She's not beneath the Jarvises, is she?”

“Of course not!" Estelle replied."That settles it then!" Magdalene's face lit up as if the matter was already decided.Estelle chuckled, "But Gab might not agree!"

“Let's not tell him just yet. Once he meets Sylvia, who knows? He might fall head over heels for her on the spot!" Magdalenegrinned mischievously, "Sylvia's a knockout - the type who turns heads wherever she goes. She could definitely knock Gabriel offhis high horse!"

Estelle must have been brainwashed by Magdalene's enthusiasm as she asked, "You sure about this?"

"Pretty darn sure!" Magdalene boasted confidently, "How long is Gab staying in J City?"

"Maybe two or three days."

"Great, I'll call Sylvia this afternoon when we get back!"

Estelle gave her a pat on the shoulder, her voice filled with earnest, "I'm counting on you!"

Imagining Gabriel meeting Sylvia, Estelle couldn't help but laugh, turning away to lean on the railing to conceal her amusement.“Aren't you getting a bit ahead of yourself?" Magdalene raised an eyebrow at her friend's mirth.

Estelle shot back with a smile, "Don't you have confidence in your plan? If it really works out, I'll cover your PR fees at Sylvia's

company for a whole year!"You're going all out for your brother, huh? Then I've got to put in the extra effort!" Magdalene's eyes sparkled with cunning."Go get em!" Estelle cheered her on with a thumbs-up.

Her tone was teasing, not quite taking the matter seriously, just waiting to see Magdalene make a fool of herself.

Sylvia and Gabriel? Estelle thought it just seemed unlikely.

Lunch was a lively affair, with no mention of the Macclains or the Crawleys. They were all simply enjoying one another'scompany, laughing and chatting.

Old Mr. Quintin chimed in with a chuckle, "Estelle, what about that friend of yours from yesterday? Why didn't you bring heralong?"

Estelle looked at Old Mr. Quintin, inquiring, "Do you remember Evelyn?"

"She seemed like a sweet girl. Where's she from?"

"She's from Azeroth City. She's visiting J City, but I'll bring her by in a couple of days."

"That'd be great!" Old Mr. Quintin beamed, "Let's all get together more often these next few days!"

He then turned to Old Mr. Jarvis, "The holidays are coming up. Why don't you just stay in J City instead of going back to C City?It's much more festive here!"novelbin

Old Mr. Jarvis snorted, "I'm the life of the party wherever | go. You're just basking in my glow!"

"I'm graciously offering to keep youhere, and you snub me!" Old Mr.Quintin huffed, then tamed nee\ih)apyicabiie vou two should stay. Letthat old stick-in-the-mud go back byhimself. I'd like to see how lively hecan be on his own!" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

"My grandkids, why should they listen to you?"

Estelle and Gabriel exchanged

glances, and Gabriel et rked HowAheolsier you'yet ane less


ou become?" Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Estelle nodded in agreement, "The older, the more childish!"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Who are you talking about?"

Old Mr. Jarvis and Old Mr. Quintin glared, turning to look at the siblings seated together.

Jonathan wrapped an arm aroundEstelle, pulling her clgsagelacdiahtanything. Ik Was Gabriel leadingthe charge!" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Gabriel looked at Jonathan with a puzzled expression.

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