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Chapter 2080

Bennett's hands were shaking as he borrowed a stranger's cell to call Carmella. After a few rings, she picked up.

As soon as she answered, Bennett blurted out, "Carmella, did you see the text | sent? Your mom's in surgery, it's serious. Sheneeds money fast. The business is drained, and you've taken everything from the house. How can you be so heartless, notcaring if your mom lives or dies? We raised you for over two decades!"

There was a pause before Carmella's indifferent voice came through, "Mom's got investments, doesn't she? Don't tell me you'reout of money. Stop lying to me!"

Bennett's face turned pale with anger, "Haven't you seen the news? Do you have any idea what state the Macclain family's inright now? Even if we could get hold of your mom's investment money, which we can't, our accounts are about to be frozen. Yourmom needs cash to save her life!"

"Then go ask Estelle," Carmella retorted, "She's rolling in it!"

Bennett choked on his breath, nearly gasping for air, then managed to say hoarsely, "Carmella, how can you be so cold? Youknow the score with Estelle. After everything that's happened, how could you not understand?"

“Your mom treated you like her own, even after we found out you weren't hers by birth. We pushed Estelle out, all to make youfeel like you belonged. And now you repay her kindness like this!"

Carmella's tone remained cool, "Is it my fault | was switched at birth? You raised me, so you're responsible for me, for life.Consider this money as you taking care of me for the rest of yours. As for Mom, tell her to keep her temper in check and stophitting people. Maybe she'll get better on her own!"

With that, Carmella hung up.No matter how many times Bennett tried, she didn't pick up again.

He couldn't believe how cruel and heartless Carmella had turned out to be; all her past kindness, all that innocence, had been afacade.

He and Simone had been deceived, utterly deceived!

To think that the daughter they raised for over twenty years was a stranger to them.Trembling with rage, Bennett slowly sat down, his world going dark in waves.When he came to, only one thought repeated in his head, retribution.

It was indeed retribution. He and Simone had sensed something off about Carmella’s character but had always defended her,rejecting Estelle, even conspiring with the Crawley family to cut Estelle down without mercy!

Little did they know retribution would come this swiftly!The Lamont family.

Jonathan turned off Estelle's phone, letting her sleep in until eight, suspecting she might have nightmares again. Only when hewoke her did he see the snow that had fallen overnight, blanketing the world outside in white.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he leaned down and kissed her forehead, "Sleep well?"

Estelle was still groggy, her eyes barely open, looking at him through a haze. Her pale cheeks and rosy lips deepenedJonathan's breath as he kissed her again and again.

Finally awake from the flurry ofkisses, Estelle pushed selFaway\fram bis ips ant ghance at thegloomy weather outside, "What timeis it?" Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

“Almost nine," he said, his voice a low, magnetic purr.Estelle frowned slightly, "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"There's no rush. If | wasn't worriedabout your nightmares sig haveIetyousstee8 til Hdon, Jonathanreplied softly. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Nestling into his lap, Estelle dozed off again before mumbling, "What's happening outside?"novelbin

"The Crawley family and their backersare finished. The Maccl ins qighitBeora waree rato Snsthan said,stroking her hair calmly. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Estelle hummed in acknowledgment, "Did Grandpa call?"

Jonathan turned on her phone, and instantly, a barrage of messages and missed calls flooded the screen.

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