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Chapter 2066

Bennett returned home, his face slick with sweat, and said to Terrence, “Can't get through to the Crawley family, their lines aredead!”

“We can't just sit around; we need to get out of J City, now!” Terrence spun around, panic stripping him of any composure. Gonewas the commanding presence of a family relocating to B City; he looked more like a rat fleeing a sinking ship.

Bennett hurried to book flights to B City, only to find that there were none available.Terrence was losing his cool. “Then charter a private jet, damn it! We have to leave tonight, no matter what!”

“What about Sabina? She's still at the Lamont Group. If we leave, will Mr. Lamont take it out on her?” Natalia chimed in, hervoice laced with anxiety.

Sabina stared blankly at the live broadcast on TV, where Jonathan's parents were also present, explaining to the reporters thattheir son's low-profile relationship with Estelle was why there hadn't been a public wedding, and Estelle's reserved nature meantthey all respected her wishes.

Catherine's warmth as she repeatedly mentioned Estelle struck a chord with Sabina. She had held hopes of getting close toJonathan through Catherine.

What a joke that seemed now!Estelle must have been laughing at her behind her back!novelbin

Sabina's vision blurred as her sense of superiority crumbled. She had always seen herself as the cream of the MacClain family, astandout graduate from a prestigious university. She never thought she had to worry about someone like Estelle, who couldn'teven claim a noble lineage. And yet, she was the fool.

Estelle had already married Jonathan?The revelation was too much for her to bear.What had all her years of dedication to the Lamont Group been for?

At Hans's household, the family of four watched the same broadcast. When Estelle's true identity was revealed, Leonie's eyesbulged with shock.

Hans remained calm, "Mom, take a moment, no need to stutter!"

Sallie couldn't hide her satisfaction, shining with a glory akin to Estelle's, "Mom, Dad, do you believe me now? | told you not toget mixed up with Estelle's crowd. | was right!"

Leonie, still in disbelief, turned to Sallie, "You knew all along?"

"| knew Estelle was married to Mr. Lamont, but her being the heiress to the Jarvis family and the head of GK, that's news to metoo!" Sallie exclaimed, "She's incredible, juggling all these roles so discreetly. If it were me, I'd be over the moon—no, the skywouldn't be able to contain my ego!"

Leonie and Stanley exchanged a glance, still reeling from the shock, "If you knew, we should have gone to welcome Estelle too!"

"Mom!" Hans interjected with a disapproving tone, "Right now, Estelle doesn't need fair-weather friends flocking to her. It's bestwe just watch quietly from home."

Leonie couldn't calm down, "Such a huge revelation, and you both kept us in the dark!"

Hans retorted, "What good would telling you do? With your loose lips, the grandparents would've heard, and Estelle’s peacewould be ruined, wouldn't it?”

His mom rebuffed, Leonie speculatedexcitedly, "What do youltinkisOpening Back St the old house?"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Stanley said ominously, "Probably the same as here, completely shell-shocked by Estelle's status."More than shell-shocked, it was downright frightening.Sallie sneered, "Wonder if they're scared enough to flee in the night?”

Leonie shook her head, whispering,"They might want to, but it's esatefor that. fter whanthé)! aid tO Estelle,thd. onts and the Jarvises willsurely come for the MacClains first."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Sallie was elated, "They had it coming!"

They hadn't spared a thought for theconsequences when th slandetédincl daveneirw atever wascoming to them—no, it would beworse than today. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

At the airport.

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