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Chapter 2018

In the villa, Lambert sat brooding in the living room, waiting for her. His expression was a storm of dark

clouds as she entered, and his gaze towards her was complex and troubled.

Estelle ignored his questioning eyes, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge to quench her thirst, and

headed for the stairs.

"Stop right there!" Lambert called out, halting her in her tracks. "You're going to walk away without

saying anything?"

Estelle turned around, her features composed, "What is it?"

Lambert rose and approached her, his deep-set eyes intently fixed on her. "You went out with Alvis this

afternoon? What exactly is going on between the two of you?"

"That would be a personal question!" Estelle replied coolly.

His brow furrowed, and his brown eyes darkened further. "Estelle, don't try to get close to Alvis thinking

he can offer you something. Compared to him, I'm the safer bet. I care about you, and I won't hurt you


"Whatever he can do for you, I can do too!"

His voice carried earnest sincerity. "Anyway, I don't like you getting too close to him!"

Estelle realized Lambert suspected she was seducing Alvis for some ulterior motive.

She looked down at the man standing two steps below her. "Lambert, you should head back to your

castle tomorrow morning. Perhaps we can sit down for a drink tomorrow night."

Lambert's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Are you asking me out?"

"Yes," Estelle nodded affirmatively. "Let's not worry about the new energy project for now. You go back

first, I've got some unfinished business here. Once I'm done, I'll come to find you. Stock up on the wine,

and perhaps a bit extra!"

His gaze sparkled. "I can give you a tour of my wine cellar. Some bottles were laid down when I wasnovelbin

born, by my father. If you like, we can drink for three days and nights!"

Estelle smiled faintly. "Sounds good, I'll come to you."

Lambert's smile wavered slightly. "Are you trying to change the subject? What are you planning to do

here? Is it dangerous?"

"Just some personal matters," Estelle assured him. "There’s no danger. I'll come to find you."

After a moment's hesitation, Lambert nodded. "Alright."

"Oh, and Lambert," Estelle's voice was clear as crystal, "wake me up early tomorrow morning, don't let

me oversleep again."

"No problem!" Lambert gave her a comforting smile. "Rest easy, have sweet dreams, and once more,

happy birthday. May you always be safe and sound."

"Thank you!" Estelle nodded, then turned and continued upstairs.

Entering her room, Estelle took off her necklace and went to take a shower. After changing into

comfortable clothes, she noticed a sprig of rosemary left by her bed.

Legend had it that sleeping with rosemary by your pillow could bring peaceful rest and pleasant


This must have been Lambert's doing.

A slight smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she forced herself to recall that peacekeeping mission

years ago. She had saved a young man, instantly recognizing his inexperience on the battlefield, his

shock at the sight of the dead, and how he had even lost his gun.

She had handed him a spare weapon, and he had stuck close to her ever since.

She had taught him some aiming and evasive maneuvers.

So many years had passed, and the finer details had faded from memory.

Estelle lay in bed, picking up the necklace Jonathan had given her, clutching the chain in her palm.

She knew her situation was grim; aware that her mind was being manipulated by drugs, causing her to

hallucinate hearing Wolf's call.

At times, she was uncertain which world was real.

Once tomorrow's mission was over, she would come clean to Jonathan about her condition. He was

the only one who could pull her back to reality.

If she kept it a secret any longer, he would undoubtedly be furious.

Clutching the necklace chain, she fought against the pull of sleep, but eventually, she drifted off.

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