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Chapter 1997

Carson released her, "I owe you an apology."

"It's alright, I blew up at you for no good reason earlier. Let's call it even!"

Marina settled back into her chair, "Back to business. With Estelle and Mr. Lamont absent, we can't just

sit on the sidelines. We need to do something for Estelle, and we can't let the bad guys win!"

Carson pondered, "Estelle's parents have publicly slammed her by confirming a lot of negative rumors.

It's not going to be easy to turn this around."

Marina frowned, "Is Estelle really the Macclain family's adopted daughter who had been raised by

them? I find that hard to believe."

Carson furrowed his brow, "Estelle's background seems pretty complex. Since she's always been

under Jonah's wing, and he's kept her close, I haven't been able to dig it too deep."

"Anyway, I don't believe she's like what they're claiming. I know she's a good person!" Marina insisted.

Sometimes you can tell what a person is like just from a single meeting or conversation!

"Of course!" Carson's handsome face softened into a smile, "One of Jonah's people can't be bad!"

"I haven't known Estelle for long and I'm not familiar with her friends. Think about it, who can we ask to

speak up for her?" Marina said, looking worried.

The online mood was volatile. Anyone defending Estelle was getting attacked.

KING's fans were getting slammed, without the chance of fighting back.

GK, which refused to back down under pressure from the public, was standing with Snowy Studios in

support of KING, and now they were taking a beating.

They needed someone influential to step in and turn the tide.novelbin

Carson took a sip of his tea, a frown of concentration creasing his brow. Then, recalling Snowy Studios,

he said, "I've heard that one of the Macclain family's daughters works at Snowy Studios and she has a

good relationship with Estelle."

"The Macclain family's daughter? Let's find them. Being Macclains, they must know a lot and could

probably help Estelle." Marina said immediately.

Carson nodded, "I'll have someone reach out to them."

He dialed a number, instructing his contact to find the Macclain connection.

After hanging up, Carson spoke calmly, "Don't worry, we should hear something soon."

He glanced at his watch, "It's getting late. Fancy a bite? My treat!"

Marina looked out at the darkening sky, "I'm not hungry."

"What's up?" Carson asked with a casual, friendly smile, "Haven't seen you around much, what have

you been up to?"

Marina looked down, "I took on a project, so I’ve been traveling a lot."

"Running into trouble?" Carson inquired.

Marina raised an eyebrow, "How did you know?"

"Just a guess!" Carson smiled lightly.

Carson nodded, "Don't back down, or they'll push even harder."

Marina gave a light smile, "Got it!"

After some small talk with Maria, Carson got a message from his contact, telling him that they had

reached Mr. and Mrs. Macclain. Updаted at Drамanоvels.cом

Marina stood up, "Let's go see them now!"

Carson glanced outside, "It's dark already. Let's eat first before we go."

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