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Chapter 1961

Lambert replied seriously, "Having to look at Mr. Raiden's gloomy mug every day, that's the real grind to


Her gaze lingered on Lambert's features, and suddenly, she was struck by a memory of Manley. No,

Manley was leagues more endearing than him!

In the afternoon, Estelle messaged Josiah and Amiee, instructing them to lay low in Citadel. She had

located the target and was planning the assassination. Once everything was in place, she would get

them into Zion.

Goshawk pinged her, "Boss, Jonah stormed off. Is he mad? Hope he didn't give you any trouble.”

Blue Hawk chimed in with a tease, “Worried about her? What's with the excitement then?”

Goshawk deflected, “Why you gotta call me out like that?”

Blue Hawk shot back, “Just don't want you to pull the wool over our boss's eyes!”

Their chat went silent for a few moments before Goshawk messaged again, “Back to business! Boss,

how's the target?”

Estelle texted back, “Tricky.”

She had yet to discover a way into the underground's twelfth level. Lambert had shared his analysis

with her: Professor Bernard was almost certainly carrying a bomb implanted by Mr. Raiden.

His death could trigger an explosion that might collapse the entire twelfth level, possibly even activating

microwave weaponry. Even if the tech wasn't fully developed, the prototypes developed now were

formidable. Just as Jonathan had warned, activation could render Citadel a wasteland.

But Estelle considered the likelihood slim. Mr. Raiden had no reason to go down with Professor

Bernard - nor would Triceratops allow it. Citadel was their stronghold, after all.

Still, before she made her move on Professor Bernard, she had to account for every contingency. Her

mission wasn't just to eliminate him; she had to secure all his research.

Blue Hawk pondered another angle, “I've tried hacking Professor Bernard's computer, but the core

data's not there. Where could he be hiding it?"

Estelle's own doubts mirrored his, “I'll figure it out soon.”

Blue Hawk urged caution, “Stay safe.”novelbin

Estelle reassured him, “Will do.”

Goshawk remained optimistic, “With Jonah there, you'll be well-guarded.”

After a bit more chatter, Estelle signed off from Eagle Valley, their conversation dissolving into the ether.

A headache nagging at her temples, Estelle downed a bottle of detox elixir and closed her eyes,

determined not to fall into a deep sleep. The thought of being roused by Lambert, revealing her

disheveled state, was unbearable. She'd forego sleep if it meant avoiding that.

Soon, Jonathan's call came through - a video chat request. Estelle answered, "What's up?"

"Missing you," came the voice of the man perched on a balcony, mirroring her own.

Estelle’s two arms were rested on the railing, "Found an excuse yet?" Content belongs to


Estelle's smile widened, "Yes, Mr. Alvis."

"It's your turn to come up with one," he uttered.

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