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Chapter 1927

The bar boasted a stunning, spacious patio that offered sweeping views of Zion's half-panoramicnovelbin


Lambert ordered a glass of wine, slipped on his sunglasses, and lounged on a couch to take in the


Evelyn sauntered over, placing the drink on the table in front of Lambert, and asked, "Hey, haven't seen

you around with Estelle the past couple of days. What's up?"

"Take a seat, Evelyn. We need to chat," Lambert said with a serious tone.

Sensing the urgency, Evelyn sat across from him and asked, "What's going on?"

"Have you seen your boyfriend recently?" Lambert started.

Evelyn frowned, "Yeah, I did. But he's clammed up. Won't talk. I asked him to come back with me, and

he refused."

She had been let down by Lynn that night at the bar's auction, and her disappointment had only grown

since then.

She stubbornly stayed here, hoping Lynn would explain why everything had unfolded the way it had.

Otherwise, even if she returned, her mind would swarm with unanswered questions.

After their last silent, dodgy encounter, she felt something was off with him, and her desire to unearth

the truth only intensified.

Lambert quizzed further, "What did your boyfriend do before all this?"

"He was a pharmacist," Evelyn replied.

Lambert nodded slowly, his handsome eyes growing darker and more intense. Leaning in, he fixed his

gaze on Evelyn, "I need to meet your boyfriend. Make it happen."

"Why do you need to see him?" Evelyn asked, puzzled.

After a moment's thought, Lambert said gravely, "Estelle's gone missing."

"What?" Evelyn gasped.

"Shh!" Lambert cautioned with a gesture.

Immediately lowering her voice and covering her mouth, Evelyn whispered, "How could she disappear?

Isn't she, like, super good at self-defense?"

She had seen Estelle in action; a few men were no match for her.

"Did your boyfriend ever mention experiments with live subjects in the building next door?" Lambert


Evelyn's eyes widened in shock, and she shook her head frantically, "No! Live subjects? You mean,

Estelle's been taken for experiments?"

Lambert nodded gravely, "That's what I assume."

"But wasn't she with you?" Evelyn was baffled.

Regret and embarrassment flickered across Lambert's face as he said, "That's not important right now.

What matters is that Estelle is missing and in danger."

He didn't want to admit his foolishness in front of Evelyn.

"So, what do we do? How do we save her?" Evelyn asked, her voice tinged with panic.

"That's why I need to see your boyfriend. He's the only one with access to the building next door. He's

our only hope," Lambert murmured.

Pale-faced, Evelyn nodded firmly, "Okay, I'll find him for you."

Estelle had saved Evelyn twice, and now that she was in danger, Evelyn would do whatever it took.

As someone passed by, Lambert gently caressed Evelyn's cheek, his expression instantly shifting from

serious to playfully rakish. With a roguish grin, he teased, "Darling, don't forget about our date tonight.

I'll be waiting right here for you. Don't stand me up."

Catching on, Evelyn nodded with a sly smile, "Got it!"

Once the coast was clear, Lambert released her and leaned back into the couch, taking a sip of his

wine. "Go do what you need to do. Remember to stay cool at all times. When you see your boyfriend,

don't ask about Estelle right away."

He didn't want to startle them.

"I understand," Evelyn breathed deeply, hoping against hope that Lynn would show up at the bar


He just had to.

She found herself anticipating his appearance now more than ever before.

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