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Chapter 1914

Lambert was momentarily taken aback.

Estelle had already turned and ascended the staircase.

With a sip of his drink, Lambert felt a tinge of gloom. Was there really anyone in the world superior to

him? He scoffed at the thought, convinced that Estelle too had become lovestruck.

Only those blinded by love would fail to distinguish fact from fiction!

He even felt a bold urge to have Estelle invite her boyfriend over for a showdown.

The next day, bright and early, Winston came to Lambert, saying that Raiden had returned and

requested a meeting.

This time, Lambert didn’t make any excuses and took Estelle along with him.

Estelle waited at the same café as before, watching Lambert follow Winston through the white doors..

She was curious, really curious to see who this enigmatic Raiden was.

Was she being kept away from Lambert's side because these secret dealings were no place for a

woman, or was it because they were wary of her?

Narrowing her eyes, Estelle observed the office building across the street, sensing that something was


At the penthouse suite, Lambert met Raiden.

Just like the rumors, Raiden wore a silver mask concealing his eyes and nose, a long scar trailing down

his face, crossing his mouth, adding a fierce countenance to his appearance.

The scar was a testament to a past filled with danger.

Raiden's imposing stature dominated the chair he sat in, his presence casting a silence over the room.

Lambert sat opposite him, exuding an equal air of confidence, with a touch of frostiness, "To finally

meet the legendary Mr. Raiden, what an extraordinary honor!"

Behind the mask, Raiden's eyes were indifferent as he spoke in a deep voice, "I can agree to Mr.

Brennan's profit-sharing terms, but I want to add a condition."

Lambert replied calmly, "Let’s hear it."

"I want the woman you brought, Rella," Raiden's tone was flat and unyielding.

Lambert’s eyes darkened, "Rella? You know her?"

"That’s not your concern, Mr. Brennan. Just hand her over to us," Raiden insisted, "Billions in profit innovelbin

exchange for one woman—I'm sure you won't refuse."

But Lambert shook his head, "No, I need to know what you plan to do with her. Who is she?"

Raiden paused briefly before replying slowly, "We need her for an experiment. As for her identity,

you’re better off not knowing, Mr. Brennan."

After a moment's thought, Lambert still refused, "Sorry, she's under my protection now. I have to ensure

her safety, and I can't just hand her over to you."

"It’s just an experiment; there won't be any danger to her life," Raiden assured.

Lambert scoffed, "Are you telling me you lack subjects for your experiments? Why does it have to be


The fact that Raiden was willing to concede billions just for Rella indicated to Lambert that the situation

was far from simple.

"She possesses a resilience that ordinary people don’t have. That’s why we chose her," Raiden


Lambert sneered, "When you approached me for this partnership, Rella wasn’t in the picture. So her

presence won’t affect our deal. If you need someone for your experiments, find someone else."

Raiden's voice grew slightly hoarse, "No, it must be her!"

Lambert raised an eyebrow, "Are you saying there’s nothing to discuss, Mr. Raiden?"

Raiden’s voice was deep and unfazed, "If Mr. Brennan does not agree, then our partnership may not

meet the conditions you desire. If you want to maximize your profits, you’ll have to exchange Rella. I

hope you'll consider it carefully!"

A glint of iciness flashed through Lambert’s deep brown eyes as he nodded slightly and stood up to


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