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Chapter 1910

Lambert raised his arm, glancing at Estelle.

Through the sheer veil, Estelle reached up to link her arm with his, and together they walked toward the


Upon entering, Lambert spotted the man seated behind the massive desk and chuckled softly, "Where

is Raiden?"

The man behind the desk stood up. He had the look of a local from Tripe, with slightly curly hair and

dressed in a sleek black suit. He began, "I apologize, Mr. Raiden received an urgent message this

morning and had to leave Zion about an hour ago. He left me in charge to host Mr. Brennan and

continue discussing our collaboration. Let me introduce myself, I am Mr. Raiden's assistant, my name

is Winston."

Estelle felt a twinge of disappointment. She had hoped to meet Raiden and perhaps recognize him by

voice or stature, but it seemed Raiden was not one to make public appearances lightly.

Lambert smiled, "No problem, as long as Mr. Winston has the authority to speak."

Winston turned to Estelle, "And who might this lady be?"

"This is my date, Rella. She's with me," Lambert replied.

Winston nodded politely at Estelle, his tone carrying a hint of arrogance, "Mr. Brennan, our negotiations

are not suited to a lady's ears. Perhaps your girlfriend could enjoy some of the many amenities Zion

has to offer for the ladies."

Lambert pondered for a moment, then turned to Estelle with a soft voice, "There's a coffee shop next

door. Why don't you wait for me there? I won't be long."

Estelle nodded, "Alright!"

If Lambert was asking her to leave, he must feel there was no danger.

The butler, Huff, promptly said, "Please follow me, miss."

Estelle followed Huff out. The white door closed automatically behind her.

The coffee shop was just across the way. It was quiet, with only a few patrons chatting. Estelle found anovelbin

secluded spot and ordered a coffee. She pulled out her phone and opened WhatsApp, bombarded with

new messages.

Magdalen had sent a bunch of honeymoon photos.

Emily sent a photo of Kya at the James family's. "We just had lunch. The James family have been so

kind. They even gave me a valuable welcome gift. None of what I worried about happened."

Estelle's lips curved into a smile. If Charlie had brought Emily back, he'd have made sure she wouldn't

be mistreated.

She also replied to messages from Jason, Sophia.

After texting, Estelle called Evelyn.

Evelyn had officially started working at the bar. "Thanks to you and Brennan, things have been good

here. He's made sure everyone's treating me well. But," her voice trailed off, "I showed my boyfriend's

picture around, and everyone says they haven't seen him. It's strange; he was definitely here last night.

Why would they say they haven't seen him?"

"Don't ask around. No one will tell you," Estelle advised.

Evelyn's voice dropped to a whisper, "So he might be kept here against his will, right?"

"Not necessarily. But those who work here, their identities are kept confidential. That's why no one will

tell you."

Evelyn responded firmly, "No matter what, I'm going to find him and hear the truth from him."

Estelle hung up, knowing Evelyn was determined. She wished her luck.

After a while, Lambert entered the coffee shop. He walked straight to Estelle's table and took a seat

across from her. He ordered a latte and apologized, "Sorry to keep you waiting!"

"How did the talk go?" Estelle inquired.

Lambert shook his head, "Not great. The profits didn't meet my expectations. They want to leverage the

Brennan family's reputation and wealth for their publicity but aren't willing to share the benefits.

Nobody's a fool."

"So if the deal's not made, we're leaving?" Estelle raised an eyebrow.

"No, I'll wait for Raiden," Lambert said, gazing out the window. "This project is crucial to me. I need to

speak with Raiden in person."

He had known it wouldn't be easy.

The server brought over the coffee and also served Estelle some pastries.

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