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Chapter 1900

Yes, the name on the plaque is hers.


Suddenly, Estelle felt the world was full of wonders. Had she not come to Citadel, she would never

have known that someone had built a chapel here in her honor, with a plaque dedicated to her.

The feeling was indescribable!

As Estelle gazed at her own plaque in a daze, Lambert walked in and took the candle from her hands.

He lit it and placed it in front of the plaque.

Then he gently wiped the plaque clean, holding it with tenderness and kissed it softly.

Estelle frowned in complex expression. She spoke softly, "This is your goddess?"

Lambert's eyes locked on the name inscribed on the plaque, "Yes, her name is Stella. Beautiful, isn't


Instead of answering, Estelle questioned, "Don't you know that chapels are meant for ancestors?"

After placing the plaque back, Lambert turned to her and said, "She is my goddess, deserving of a

shrine. Isn't that right?"

Estelle stared at him, "And your family agrees with this?"

"This is my place!" The man's tone carried an innate nobility and pride.

Estelle was left speechless.

Lambert sat on the meditation cushion, his gaze tender on the name, murmuring, "My grandfather once

told me that if someone has a plaque after death, they won't become a lost spirit subjected to bullying.

Even though I know she'd probably be a fearsome ghost who bullies others, I still hope her soul has a

place to rest, so she doesn't have to wander as she did in life."

"She sowed much violence when she was alive, and I pray daily for her, hoping the saints will forgivenovelbin

her, understanding that those she killed were evildoers, and that she should not be troubled."

"If she's reincarnated, maybe she'll follow the guide of her plaque and find her way to me."

After finishing, Lambert looked at Estelle, "You're from my country, you understand the culture of

shrines better, don’t you?"

Estelle frowned.

Lambert raised an eyebrow, "What's with that look?"

Estelle replied, "I don't even know what expression I should have right now."

She paused, then said more calmly, "But, if your goddess doesn't know all this you're doing, isn't it in


"Not at all!" Lambert said relaxedly, "I just want to provide a haven for her soul. Whether she knows

doesn't matter to me, just as she didn't know of my existence when she was alive."

Estelle queried, "How did you meet?"

"It was many years ago, during a peacekeeping mission I joined. But only when I got there did I realize

the horror of war. I even lost my rifle, but she gave me one and saved my life."

"She descended like Lady Liberty when she saved me," Lambert recalled the war with a nostalgic look,

"I always followed behind her, too afraid to get close, only able to look up to her."

After the war, he followed her to the Goth Desert, pretending to take landscape photos while secretly

capturing that one photo of her.

That photo became the anchor for his soul.

Seeing Lambert lost in memories, Estelle felt an unexpected pang of compassion and didn't want to

pull him back to the real world.

She took a deep breath, her voice softer than before, "Didn't you say we'd leave after lunch? It's getting

late. I'm going to eat."

Lambert nodded, "Go ahead, I'll stay a bit longer. I'll be away for a while, so I need to say goodbye to

my goddess first."

Estelle nodded, turned and walked out of the chapel. Looking back, she saw Lambert still have his

hands together in prayer. His face was obscured but undoubtedly filled with devotion.

Her feelings became even more complex.

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