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Chapter 1887

"Sure thing." Estelle replied with calm assurance.

Jarvis continued to heap more food onto Estelle's plate. "Let's not talk about him. With or without him,

I've had some good years. As long as he takes care of himself, that's all that matters."

Estelle didn't say much more, taking a bite of the spicy steak strips, she feigned casual praise, "This is

delicious, has Mr. Justin's cooking improved again?"

"Is that so?" Jarvis chuckled, "He knows it's your favorite, maybe he's been secretly perfecting the


"Then, Grandpa, you should give Mr. Justin a nice bonus."

"Alright, alright."

The grandfather and granddaughter chatted and laughed, enjoying their meal together.

After dinner, Estelle joined Jarvis for a cup of tea before going back to her room to pack her things.

She placed the tablet Amiee had given her on the desk, checked her other items, and then went to bid

farewell to her grandfather.

Stepping out the door, Wade was waiting for her, his voice warm with concern, "Miss, it's chilly out. Benovelbin

sure to dress warmly."

Estelle nodded, "I won't be around for a while, take good care of Grandpa and yourself."

"Don't worry." Wade's slow, gentle tone was reassuring.

Estelle closed her door, "While I'm gone, there's no need for the housekeeper to clean my room. I don't

want anyone going in there."

Wade looked puzzled, "Did you leave something in your room, Miss?"

"Yes, some very important sketches. So, please, no one should enter," Estelle insisted earnestly.

Wade responded immediately, "I understand. I'll make sure the servants know."

"Mhm." Estelle walked down the long hallway, "Where's Grandpa?"

"In his study, reading."

Estelle went straight to the study and upon entering, she smiled, "Grandpa, I'm heading out."

Jarvis, book in hand, looked up with a smile, "Call me when you land."

"Will do." Estelle waved at Jarvis, "Take care of yourself."

"Go on, go on. It's not like you're not coming back. No need for such sentimental talk." Jarvis said.

Estelle chuckled, took a quick photo of the old man with her phone, "I'll look at this when I miss you."

She pocketed her phone and turned to leave, casually waving her arm, "I'll bring you back some

cheese from abroad."

Jarvis hummed with a soft laugh, "Thinks everyone's as much of a foodie as she is."

Watching Estelle's retreating figure, he slowly lost his smile. He put down his book, feeling an

unexplainable emptiness, unsure of what to do next.

That evening.

Estelle was at the airport in L country, waiting for her connecting flight to the Republic of Tripe in the

Velocity Vista, when she received a video call from Jonathan. She was in the quiet VIP lounge,

speaking softly and laughing with Jonathan.

Seeing Estelle sitting in the corridor through the video, Jonathan asked, "Still raining?"

Estelle nodded, "Yeah, there was sunshine in the day, but it got overcast by evening."

"Is it cold?" Jonathan inquired.

Estelle smiled, "Not really."

Jonathan still sounded a bit concerned, "Get inside, don't just sit out there."

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