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Chapter 1882

The next morning, after having breakfast, Jonathan and Estelle made plans for the day. Jonathan

would head to the office in the morning to deal with some business and come back before lunch to take

her to Old Mr. Quintin's place. Afterwards, he'd drop them off at the airport.

Estelle told Jonathan she was going to swing by the Bright Commercial Center to tie up some loose

ends that morning and insisted he shouldn't worry about her and should focus on his work.

Before leaving, Jonathan wrapped her in his arms for a moment. "When you get back, let's move back

here, okay?"

The Royal Mansion held so many of their shared memories.

This time, Estelle didn’t argue. She simply nodded with obedience. "Okay, as you wish."

"Why so agreeable?" Jonathan whispered, kissing her ear tenderly. "You’re so sweet that I can hardly

bear to let go."

Estelle gave him a tight hug. "Off to work with you!"

"Mhm," Jonathan murmured, planting a kiss on her forehead before heading out the door.

Estelle watched the door close and stood still for a moment before she checked her phone and found

she was greeted by a barrage of messages.

Amiee: [Where are you?]

Josiah James: [Boss, did you leave already?]

Just as Estelle was about to text Amiee back, her phone rang.

Swiping to answer, Estelle said, “I'm still in J City. I have a flight to C City this afternoon.”

Amiee asked, “Can we meet up?”novelbin

“Sure, I’m at the Royal Mansion. Come on over.”

“We’ll be there ASAP.”

Amiee and Josiah drove together to the Royal Mansion. As soon as they walked in, Josiah blurted out

in surprise, "Does Jonah know?"

"No. He thought I was going home," Estelle said with a serene smile. "Relax, take it easy!"

Josiah ruffled his hair. "I'd actually be less stressed if Jonah knew."

Estelle got serious. "There's a mission that we can’t let him know."

Josiah frowned reluctantly. "I get it."

Amiee, lounging on the couch, handed Estelle something that looked like a smartphone. "All set. Just

place this in your room, and you're good to go. I've tested it; the scene transitions are smooth and

realistic. No glitches. If you need to, you can also switch to the footage we've used before. But the

battery will last two months max. If you don't want Jonah to find out, you've got to be back by then!"

Josiah scoffed, "The battery might last two months, but Jonah won't."

Estelle slipped the device into her bag. "I'll keep it hidden as long as I can. If possible, try to distract him

for me."

Amiee raised an eyebrow coolly. "That might be tough."

Josiah snorted, "Don’t count on me. I can’t pull that off."

Jonah was not one to be easily fooled or held back.

"We can do nothing about that. Even if he realizes I’m not in C City, as long as he doesn’t know where I

am, it'll buy some time. I'll have someone erase my travel records," Estelle said calmly. "I’m worried

about you two the most, especially Josiah. No matter what he says, don’t reveal my whereabouts!"

"If you don't want me to spill, take me with you!" Josiah's eyes held a hopeful gleam as he looked at

Estelle. "Boss, I can follow you in secret. Nobody will know that!"

"Stop your yapping. I’ll let you know when I need you!" Estelle shot him a glance. "If I haven't told you

to come, then stay put!"

Josiah pouted but fell silent.

Amiee spoke up, "Keep in touch. I won't take any gigs for the next two months. My phone will be on

24/7, waiting for your orders."

Estelle nodded. "Good."

Despite his usual jokes and banter, Josiah couldn't hide the concern and weighty feelings in his heart.

He looked at Estelle earnestly, "Please be careful. Nothing is more important than your safety. Don’t try

to take everything on yourself. Remember, you’re only human. You can't stop bullets, nor survive too

many cuts!"

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