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Chapter 1877

Jason said, "Come on in, it's freezing out here!"

Estelle was about to turn around when a servant jogged over, "Ms. Macclain!"

Jason asked coolly, "What's up?"

The servant replied, "There's someone outside claiming to be Ms. Macclain's father, and wanting to

have a word with her!"

Estelle's expression faded slightly. The Macclains were still lingering outside?

Jason had noticed them when he arrived, his demeanor chilly, "Tell them Ms. Macclain is not available!"

The servant promptly nodded and hurried off.

Jason turned to Estelle, "You don't have to see the Macclains anymore."

Estelle responded with a lukewarm tone, "I know."

"Let's go!" said Jason, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and leading her towards the living room.

As Estelle stepped through the door, her phone buzzed with a message. She glanced at it and sighed;

it was from Manley. She'd almost forgotten about him!

Manley texted, [Estelle, the beauties down under are waiting for me. I'm heading back first, don't forget

to miss me!]

A gentle smile crossed Estelle's face as she texted back, [Safe travels!]

Manley replied, [If you ask me to stay, I will!]

Estelle texted, [Hurry up, don't keep the Aussie beauties waiting.]

Manley sent back a cheeky emoji which blew a kiss.

Estelle put away her phone and paid him no further attention.

The servant went to relay the message to Bennett. Upon hearing that Estelle flat-out refused to see

him, Bennett turned an angry shade of blue.

Simone muttered under her breath, "I knew it. She won't help us. She's climbed up the social ladder

and looks down on the Macclain family now."

Terrence thought for a moment, then handed a genuine artwork to the servant, "Please give this to Oldnovelbin

Mr. Jarvis personally. Tell him we came with sincere intentions to visit and ask if he could spare a

moment to meet with us amidst his busy schedule."

The servant hesitated.

Terrence smiled, "You see, I've been waiting here for almost a day. Please, do me a favor."

Assuming Terrence to be a senior with grey hair, who held genuine request for Old Mr. Jarvis, and

considering his long-time wait, the servant felt his heart softened, and he agreed,

"Alright, wait here. I'll convey your message to Old Mr. Jarvis, but I can't promise you a meeting."

"Passing the message alone is much appreciated. Thank you!" Terrence said, nodding gratefully.

With that, the servant took the painting inside.

Once in the study, he showed the artwork to Old Mr. Jarvis and explained the Macclains' intentions.

Old Mr. Quintin said coldly, "Give them the painting back and tell them to leave immediately!"

Old Mr. Jarvis paused and stopped the servant, "I haven't met with the Macclains in many years. Since

they wish to see me, let them come in."

Old Mr. Quintin's face darkened, "Have you lost your mind?"

Old Mr. Jarvis, undisturbed, said calmly, "I'm curious about their reasons for meeting me today."

Old Mr. Quintin scoffed, "Surely they're not inviting you to a wine and dine!"

Geoffrey, watching the two old men bicker, chuckled, "They were bound to meet sooner or later. If Old

Mr. Jarvis wants to see them, let him. After all, they're Estelle's family."

Old Mr. Quintin sneered, "What family? A bunch of blind fools. No wonder the Macclain family has

fallen so far,and has even lost their scholarly reputation!"

Old Mr. Jarvis frowned, "What's the rush? I haven't promised them anything. Can't I back Estelle up?"

Old Mr. Quintin advised, "You'd better keep your distance from the Macclains and avoid trouble!"

But Old Mr. Jarvis had his own plans; he told the servant, "Go on, let them in. I'll be waiting them in the

front study."

"Yes, sir!" said the servant, heading out to fetch the visitors.

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