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Chapter 1872

The Quintin household was buzzing with excitement today. Geoffrey and his wife, Catherine, along with

their daughter Magdalen, had come over. Sophia also brought along her boyfriend, Robin Ziegler; and

to top it off, the fashionably late Jonathan and Estelle had just walked in. The entire living room was

packed to the brim with family members and laughter.novelbin

As soon as Estelle and Jonathan arrived, they became the targets of Magdalen's playful teasing. Old

Mr. Jarvis, who was fond of both his children equally, watched the banter with a chuckle, while Old Man

Quintin jumped to Estelle's defense, "I'm just glad Estelle could make it. It's an honor for me!"

He turned to Geoffrey, "Don't be too hard on the youngsters!"

Geoffrey sipped his tea with a smile, "Only an enlightened and wise patriarch like Old Man Quintin

could raise such a fine young woman like Estelle!"

Old Man Quintin laughed heartily, "Now, now, you can't say that. Someone might get jealous!"

Old Mr. Jarvis scoffed from the side, "you got a bargain and acted coy, trying to pin the label of being

narrow-minded on me!"

The room erupted into laughter.

A servant came by, announcing that lunch was ready.

Everyone made their way to the dining room, exchanging courteous gestures to each other.

Trailing behind, Robin asked Sophia, "I heard about Ms. Sampson and Mr. Jerome's wedding

yesterday. Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would have loved to join you."

Sophia, linking arms with him, said, "Didn't I tell you I was attending a friend's wedding? I even

mentioned I was a bridesmaid; I asked you to come, but you were too busy with a client, so I didn't

want to disturb you."

Robin frowned slightly, "If I had known it was the Sampson and Langston families' wedding, I would

have definitely been there!"

Truth be told, the Sampson and Langston wedding had been all over the news a few days ago, but

Robin had been too swamped with work to remember that Sophia knew Ms. Sampson.

Sophia felt a twinge of discomfort. Robin's regret at missing the wedding had nothing to do with not

being there for her or not seeing her as a bridesmaid; it was all about the prestige of the Sampson and

Langston families.

Jonathan had flown back from abroad just for Estelle, yet her own boyfriend, who lived in the same city,

had chosen a client over her.

A hint of disappointment crept into her heart.

Noticing Sophia's displeasure, Robin quickly realized his mistake; so he took her hand, coaxing, "What

I meant was, I thought it was just another wedding. Had I known it was for such a dear friend of yours, I

would have made it."

Sophia was easy to cheer up; hearing this, she felt her mood brightened instantly, and then teased,

"Let's just forget about it and go have lunch."

As everyone settled at the table, Estelle inquired, "Where's my mentor? Wasn't he supposed to come


Old Man Quintin replied, "He's in H City. His flight was in this morning, so he'll probably arrive later.

Let's not wait for him."

With the family gathered, the atmosphere was warm and cheerful throughout the meal.

After toasting the elders, Robin offered a drink to Jonathan and then filled his glass to the brim,

apologizing to Morrison for missing the wedding the day before.

It was Robin's first visit to the Quintin family home. His tall figure, handsome face, and impeccable

manner made a good impression on Old Man Quintin.

Only Old Mr. Jarvis's brows furrowed ever so slightly in disapproval.

During lunch, Geoffrey spoke up with a light smile, "Estelle, before you two arrived, Old Mr. Jarvis and I

were discussing you and Jonathan's wedding. Having it here in J City and giving us two months to

prepare seems about right. What do you think?"

Catherine added with a laugh, "Estelle could design her own wedding dress. Don't worry about the rest;

I'll handle everything."

Magdalen was thrilled, "Two months is just around the holidays—perfect timing!"

Estelle, who had been sipping her soup, looked over at Jonathan with her spoon still in hand.

Jonathan spoke calmly, "Estelle and I have discussed it. We've decided to have the wedding next


His words dropped into a sudden silence. Old Mr. Jarvis frowned, "Next year?"

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