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Chapter 1862

In the dimly lit foyer, Jonathan lingered for a moment before descending the staircase.

There, on the steps, Estelle and Xavier were deep in conversation. Upon hearing the footsteps from

above, Estelle looked up, her frosty brows softening under the chill of the night.

Jonathan shrugged off his overcoat and draped it over Estelle's shoulders, his eyes shifting to Xavier.

"Why not come in for a drink or two?"

Xavier stood, a light chuckle in his voice. "I've already had the pleasure of toasting with some of

Magdalen's finest."

He glanced at his watch, "Zach's waiting for me outside. I should head back. Drop by the diner some

time, and we'll catch up properly."

Jonathan nodded, "Drive safe!"

With a brief nod, Xavier addressed Estelle, "Magdalen’s tied up, I won't bother saying goodbye. Pass

on my regards, will you?"

"Sure thing!" Estelle replied.

"Take care!" Xavier said with an easy smile before striding away.

Once Xavier had left, Jonathan sat down beside Estelle. The cool evening breeze was refreshing,

bringing a sense of tranquility.

"Hit the bottle hard tonight?" Estelle asked, noticing his gaze fixed on her.

"A bit tipsy," Jonathan admitted with a grin. "Mind if I lean on you?"

Estelle patted her shoulder, "Come on over!"

Jonathan's lips curled into a small smile, and true to his word, he leaned his head onto her shoulder.

Wrapped in his coat, her small frame juxtaposed against his tall one, they sat in a strangely

harmonious and cozy tableau.novelbin

Fireworks burst around the castle, their brilliance lighting up the night sky. The ever-changing colors

illuminated everything – one moment fading, the next blazing into life.

Estelle gazed upward, the fireworks reflecting in her eyes, breaking into shimmering ripples.

Jonathan held her hand, warming it in his embrace. In this loud yet quiet winter's night, they watched

the fireworks together, snuggled close in the serene atmosphere.

Jonathan's eyes sparkled as he spoke softly, "I haven't been sleeping well these past nights. Without

you beside me, I keep waking up reaching into emptiness."

Estelle hugged him, her slender fingers tracing his face, cool to the touch but comforting.

Much like her persona, cool and distant, yet always reassuring.

When her fingers brushed over his eyes, he closed them, his lashes grazing her fingertips, a tickle that

sent a gentle shiver through them both.

As they watched the brilliant display above, a shadow flickered in Estelle's eyes. "I'll be away for a

while," she whispered. "You should stay at home. I'll video call you every night."

Jonathan's eyes remained closed as he murmured, "I want to come with you."

"Be good," Estelle coaxed softly. "I haven't really spent time with Grandpa in a while. He's lonely, even

if he never says so. Once we're married, we'll have even less time to visit. Wait for me in J City."

He kissed her hand and spoke against her lips, "Then I demand daily video calls, and you have to pick

up every time."

"Deal!" Estelle agreed without hesitation.

Relieved by her prompt agreement, Jonathan snuggled closer, inhaling her subtle fragrance, which

stirred his thoughts.

Estelle's fingers playfully tugged at his hair. "Jonathan, while I'm away, please stop giving Manley a

hard time. He's the only son of the Scott family. Let him come back. He's here for Magdalen's wedding

– we had a pact to attend each other's weddings. He knows we won't part. He was just joking around!"

Jonathan recalled Manley's earlier words, feeling a twinge of irritation. "Still worried about him?"

"Jonathan!" Estelle chided lightly.

With his eyes still shut, Jonathan insisted, "Let's not talk about him. Everything else is negotiable."

Estelle couldn't help but smile, finding this side of Jonathan a touch childish, yet endearingly so.

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