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Chapter 1834

Maggie strolled over and asked, "Jon hasn't come back yet?"

Estelle nodded, "He's tied up with something!"

Maggie thought of the news she had seen earlier, a shadow flickering in her eyes. She didn't continue

the topic of Jon but instead asked, "What time is Grandpa Jarvis flying in tomorrow?"

"He's on the 8 AM flight, should get to J City around 10. Millard's picking him up. They'll swing by my

mentor's place first before coming over," Estelle replied.

"Great, Millard's a gem for doing that. Tell him thanks for me!" Maggie chuckled, then suddenly turned,

"Oh, and I've got a little surprise for you tomorrow!"

Estelle raised an eyebrow, "What kind of surprise?"

"You'll find out tomorrow!"

Not sure what Maggie was playing at, Estelle didn't press further, "Go hang out with your friends. I don't

need looking after!"

"They don't need me either. I just want to spend time with you!" Maggie said, grabbing a bottle of winenovelbin

and taking Estelle by the hand, "Let's find a spot to drink. I'm too restless to sleep tonight anyway."

They left the private room, crossed the corridor, and made their way to the terrace garden outside.

Sitting on the wooden floor, Maggie poured wine for Estelle, "You good to drink?"

"Sure am!" Estelle took the wine and sipped it gently.

Maggie downed her glass in one go, her eyes sparkling under the lights. She looked up at the night sky

and began reminiscing, "I was sixteen when I first met Morrison. He came to my place with Mr.

Langston. He was top of the class, and I, well, I wasn't. That day, I scored a whopping fourteen on my

math test. My folks asked him to tutor me. He frowned at my paper and said, 'Anyone who can get a

one for every answer on algebra has got a special kind of talent!' That was the first time anyone

praised me like that. Right then, I decided he was the one!"

Estelle snorted with laughter, "No wonder you fell for Morrison. You were such a kid back then!"

Maggie glared playfully, "Don't interrupt!"

"Go on!" Estelle encouraged.

Maggie rested her cheek on her hand, her eyes twinkling, "Mr. Langston had Morrison tutor me every

week. He seemed annoyed. Every time I got an answer wrong, he'd smack my palm. Like his own little

revenge. But he didn't know that I had already set my heart on getting into the same college as him!

So, I pretended to make mistakes to tease him, but secretly, I buckled down and studied hard. Of

course, he caught on to me soon enough. At seventeen, I got into his college. I was a freshman; he

was a senior. I went to his dorm to find him, and when his roommate asked who I was, he said I was

his little sister. So, I started calling him 'brother' all the time. One of his roommates had a crush on me

and confessed. I asked Morrison what I should do, and he said it was up to me. That was the first time I

got mad at him, didn't see him for a week. Later, I heard from that roommate that Morrison had told him

I was already betrothed since childhood and would get married right after graduation. He advised him

to keep his distance from me. I laughed all night when I heard that. The next morning, I was back at his

door, bright and early. On my eighteenth birthday, after inviting a bunch of classmates and getting tipsy,

I called him to pick me up. Once we got to my room, I pounced on him. The next morning when he

woke up, he didn't even look at me, just got dressed and left."

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