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Chapter 1832

Henson flicked his phone to life with a habitual swipe, thumb hovering over the messaging app as he

quickly tapped out a note to his buddy Jonathan. [Hey man, you sorted things out yet? Mag's wedding

is in two days!]

After hitting send, he realized Jonathan was probably snoozing away, given the time difference.

Curiosity soon had him hunting down the photo Norah had sent—a snapshot of Jonathan. He

scrutinized Jonathan's every move and expression, hoping for a clue, any clue, that it was just a

random meetup and not the scandalous one-night stand the tabloids were blabbering about.

As he was lost in thought, a knock on the door snapped him back to reality. Hastily, he flipped the

phone face down and called out, "Come in!"

The door creaked open and Estelle sauntered in, catching Henson's gaze fixed on her. She raised an

eyebrow, "Why are you staring like that?"

Henson eyed her up and down, "Just checking if my grandma's put a hex on you or something."

Estelle rolled her eyes as she moved towards the desk, "Could you maybe worry about something that

actually matters?"

Henson stood and approached, "Like when you and Jonathan are going to tie the knot?"

Estelle paused mid-motion, her handbag in mid-air. "Does it make any difference if we do or don't?"

"Of course," Henson retorted, "If you guys get hitched, I can brag to everyone!"

And if any chick thought about hitting on Jonathan, he'd have the perfect excuse to kick some ass!

Estelle chuckled, "It's not like I'm gagging you now!"

Henson looked at her incredulously, "Wait, so you're saying it's cool to go public with you and


Estelle nodded, "It was never a secret, genius!"

Henson beamed, "Awesome!"

Estelle, finding his enthusiasm a tad confusing, pulled out a book. "Quit daydreaming about nonsense,

we've got class."

Forty-five minutes into the lesson, during a break, Estelle whipped out her phone. "Aren't you gearing

up for the math olympiad? I've got my hands on some killer problems. I'll send them over, check them

out when you can."

Henson, buried in a problem set, muttered, "Phone's on the couch."

Estelle retrieved his phone, asking, "What's the passcode? I need it to open the doc—used my

premium account."

He shot her the code.novelbin

As Estelle unlocked his phone and tapped into WhatsApp, a picture popped up. Her eyes lingered on it

for a split second.

"Is it open?" Henson's mind was still wrapped around the math problems, but the silence from Estelle

jogged his memory, and he whirled around.

Estelle's expression was unreadable as she looked up casually, "Who sent this?"

Annoyance flickered across Henson's face, "Don't buy into it. Media, here or abroad, they all love to

make a mountain out of a molehill."

Those finance websites were just as trashy as the gossip channels!

Estelle closed the photo, opened the document she'd mentioned, and saved it with a serene smile,

"Relax. Even if I saw Jonathan in bed with another woman, I'd believe someone sneakily pushed their

beds together while he was asleep!"

Henson couldn't help but laugh, "You trust Jonathan that much?"

Estelle's eyes were deep and clear, "If faith is pure and steadfast, then he's my creed."

Henson watched her, relieved to see she wasn't upset, and grinned, "You should say that to Jonathan!"

"He knows," Estelle smiled softly, "And he feels the same about me."

Resting his chin on his hands, Henson feigned a deep sigh, "I was worried you'd get the wrong idea

about the pic!"

Estelle's laughter was light, "Quit the drama. Focus on acing the competition, and I'll be there cheering

you on."

"For real?" Henson's eyes lit up, "Can I tell my classmates you're my family?"

Raising an eyebrow, Estelle teased, "And how were you planning to introduce me before?"

Henson's eyes danced with mischief, his smile wide, "As Estelle, of course!"

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