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Chapter 1828

Halfway through the movie, Estelle's phone lit up with the emblem of Eagle Valley. Her gaze

sharpened, and she switched off the TV, entering the password to access Eagle Valley's secure


Upon seeing the black eagle wings on the screen, Estelle squinted her eyes and tapped on the covert

mission briefing.

After reading through the details, she pondered for a moment, then rose and made her way to the


She picked up a different phone, dialed a six-digit number, and after a secure passphrase, waited for

the "beep beep" of the pager tone.

Seconds later, the call connected, and a voice with a digitally altered tone spoke, "What's the issue?"

"I'll take the mission," Estelle stated. "But I have a condition this time!"

"Let's hear it."

"After I complete the mission, I want Gab to retire."

There was a brief pause before the voice replied, "Gab has his own assignments, and we haven't been

able to contact him for a month now. His status is unknown, I can't make that promise."

"What if he's alive? Can he retire after this mission then?"

Silence fell on the other end of the line.

Estelle's voice was calm and resolute, "Doesn't Gab deserve some peace after twenty years ofnovelbin


"Some things are beyond our control," the voice replied. "Gab's role is irreplaceable. Only he can

subdue certain forces. There are matters we can't intervene in, and only Gab can handle them."

Estelle pressed on, "You said yourself his status is unknown. If he's dead, his mission would end, and

you'd need to find a replacement. Why not consider him dead this time?"

"Do you really think Gab himself wants to retire?" the voice challenged.

Estelle paused briefly, "This is my only condition. I complete the mission, and in exchange, Gab retires.

Besides, our agreement is nearly up. This might be the last thing I do for you."

"We'll consider it."

"Good. I'll wait for your decision."

After hanging up, Estelle didn't return to the study. Instead, she sat in the living room, waiting in silence.

Ten minutes later, they called back, "We agree, but our contract with you will need to be extended by a


Without hesitation, Estelle agreed, "Fine."

"If that's settled, you may proceed."

"I'll need ten days to prepare."

"As usual, we'll provide no support. If you fail, you're on your own."

"I understand."

After ending the call, Estelle let out a long sigh, leaned back in her chair, and closed her eyes, her mind

awash with thoughts.

Suddenly, another phone on the desk vibrated. It was a message from Jonathan.

[Ella, are you asleep? I miss you.]

Estelle gripped the phone, her eyes suddenly moist.

In Serenity Springs, Amiee had gone to take a shower, and Josiah was lounging on the bed with a look

of contentment.

He glanced at his phone and his expression turned to excitement as he shouted, "Amiee, the boss took

a job!"

Hearing Josiah's enthusiastic call, Amiee's lips curled slightly upward. She quickly finished her shower,

wrapped herself in a towel, and stepped out.

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