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Chapter 1803

Two bodyguards escorted Antonia down the stairs, while another four remained at the rooftop entrance,

eyes fixated on Estelle in the distance, ensuring she wouldn't harm Cliff.

Estelle and Cliff had a lengthy half-hour discussion.

As soon as the bodyguards saw Estelle heading towards the helicopter parked nearby, they rushed

over, keeping Cliff behind them.novelbin

Suddenly, Estelle turned around and said to Cliff, "Tell your daughter to stop causing trouble. If she

dares to hurt Magdalen again, I swear I'll take her down! Since you've brought up Gab in our

conversation, you must have figured out who I am. Don't doubt my words!"

Cliff replied with a stern voice, "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her."

"That's for the best," Estelle said before she headed straight for the helicopter.

The bodyguards looked up as the helicopter took off, its roaring blades drowning out their involuntary

gasps of awe.

If Cliff had harbored any doubts about Estelle's identity after his recent investigations, they were all

dispelled after their face-to-face confrontation.

"How's Antonia?" Cliff asked, turning around.

A bodyguard stepped forward to report, "She was quite shaken up, and she's taken a hit to the face."

Cliff nodded slightly, his expression grim, "Keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn't have any further

contact or involvement with those people from J City!"

"Yes, sir!" the bodyguard responded immediately.

Upon returning to J City, Estelle first stopped by the hospital before heading to the film set.

She was greeted by Magdalen, who had donned a white dress paired with a beige coat. Seeing Estelle,

Magdalen immediately approached, "Where've you been?"

Estelle didn't hide the truth, "B City."

"You went to see Antonia, didn't you? She's the one who sent that music box, right?" Magdalen

pressed with a frosty tone.

The more Magdalen thought about it after Estelle left, the more things didn't add up. Estelle's abrupt

departure meant she must have learned something. Rushing to the set confirmed her suspicion; Estelle

hadn't returned.

When Magdalen couldn't reach Estelle by phone, she was beside herself with worry, nearly ready to

seek out Jonathan!

"It was her doing, but I've already given her a lesson. She won't be stirring up trouble for the time

being," Estelle said calmly. "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Magdalen looked her over, "How did you discipline her? How's the injury on your back?"

"Just a scratch, it didn't stop me from giving her what she deserved," Estelle chuckled. "Don't you have

faith in me?"

Magdalen glared at her, "You should have taken me with you!"

"I was enough on my own!" Estelle raised an eyebrow. "Right now, you don't need to worry about

anything. Just relax and get ready to be a bride!"

Magdalen wrapped her arms gently around Estelle, her voice low but firm, "Ella, don't risk yourself for

me. If anything happened to you, how could I go on alone?"

Estelle let out a sigh. "Don't make it sound so tragic. Even Jonathan didn't say such things!"

"If Jonathan knew you'd gone to B City alone, he'd be furious! He'd probably storm over to B City and

level the Crawley family if you were hurt!"

"That's why we won't tell him. It's all resolved now," Estelle patted her shoulder. "I won't let myself get

hurt. I fear that if anything happened to me, it would delay your wedding, and Morrison would never

forgive me!"

Tears shimmered in Magdalen's eyes as she scoffed, "If he dares to complain about you, he can have

the wedding by himself!"

Estelle shot her a glance, "Stop being so stubborn. Who's the one who's been eagerly counting the

days till the wedding?"

Magdalen hugged her tighter, her whisper resolute,

"Nothing is more important than you!"

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