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Chapter 179

Chapter 179

The two shook hands, and the woman next to Baldrick looked at Estelle, extending her hand and giving

a soft, charming smile. “Hi, my name is Winnie

Estelle shook her hand lightly, “Estelle!”

Jonathan said in a low voice,” Baldrick, I was busy yesterday so we have to delay

our arrival. I hope I didn’t cause you any inconvenience.”

Baldrick politely smiled, “Not at all! I always enjoy staying her, I wouldn’t mind staying for half a month!

Winnie loves it here too. She even wants me to build

her mansion like this when we get back to B City. That’s quite a challenge for me!”

Estelle gradually understood that this mansion belonged to Jonathan, and he came here to talk busines

s with this Baldrick guy.

Baldrick spoke in an accent, which implied he was also from B City. Why would two people from B City

choose to discuss business in C City?

“After the cooperation is finalized, you are more than welcome to stay for a few more days, Jonathan s

aid with a mild voice. “I’ll take Estelle to rest first, and we’ll see you later.”

“Sure, you should take care of Ms. Macclain first. See you later. Baldrick Anderson’s gaze swept over

Estelle without any change in his expression, giving her a gentle and elegant smile.

Estelle kept her composure and followed Jonathan into the villa.

The luxurious European–

style villa was full of neatly dressed servants waiting at the entrance. As they entered, the servants imm

ediately got down on one knee and presented slippers for them to change into.

Jonathan held her hand all the way, walking up the wooden stairs to the second floor

They walked through the living room and the long corridor, Jonathan pushed the bedroom door open a

nd led her in. The bedroom was huge, with a thick carpet on the floor, light blue wallpaper, a carved be

d, and an exquisite crystal lamp. The white gauze curtains were blown by the wind, revealing the huge

European–style balcony and black iron railings outside.

Jonathan took off his suit, draped it over his arm, and said softly, “You can take a bath first, there are cl

othes for you in the dressing room. Rest a little, I’ll be back


Estelle nodded, “I can take care of myself!”

“If you need anything, tell the servants. Otherwise, just give me a call.” Jonathan bent over and kissed

her gently on the cheek before turning around and leaving. Estelle went to the balcony and quickly saw

Jonathan leaving the villa. Millard’s car was still waiting on the shady road outside the villa. As Jonatha

n got in the car it slowly drove away.

Standing on the second floor, the view of the mansion was even clearer. Various styles of villas were lo

cated in the forest. The villa she was staying in was right across from a natural lake with a hotel on it, a

nd four or five large yachts were docked by the lake. Beyond that was a lawn, and across from the lawn

was the forest castle she had seen earlier.novelbin

Baldrick was right even if she stayed for half a month, she wouldn’t be able to visit every corner of the


C City was famous for its beautiful scenery, relying on both the mountains and the water. This mansion

was like a pearl inlaid between the mountains and waters of C City

Estelle sat on the balcony for a while before a servant knocked on the door and came in, carrying drink

s and fruit, asking if she needed anything else.

Estelle asked, “Do you have ice cream?”

The servant smiled lightly. “Mr. Lamont said you can have anything you want, except ice cream.”

Estelle went speechless.

After the servant left, Estelle decided to take a bath. She entered the dressing room next door, opened

the closet, and found a row of clothes all in her size–dresses, pajamas, and lingerie.

Various high–end skincare and cosmetics were placed on the vanity table.

Estelle had always been taken care of, whether it was when she lived by herself or when she lived wi

th her grandfather for two years, and subsequently at Villa del Sol for three years. However, Jonathan

’s thoughtful and intimate care always gave her a different feeling.

She chose a white sleepwear set and went to the bathroom for a bath.

By the time Jonathan returned around noon, Estelle was already asleep in bed.

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