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Chapter 177

Chapter 177

Arthur complained, “why didn’t you tell me uncle Jonathan was here, Mom?”

Courtney chuckled, “I’ve been super busy, and hardly saw you. How could I let you know?”

Arthur replied, “I just got back from outside and was about to help out in the kitchen!

“Then hurry up and come over!” Courtney said softly, “Don’t disturb your uncle and his friend while they’

re eating.” Arthur nodded, hesitated for a moment, and asked Estelle again, “Ms. Macclain, can I follow

you on Instagram?” Since she was Jonathan’s friend, Estelle didn’t refuse this time and took out her ph

one, “Sure!”

Courtney glanced at Jonathan and dragged

Arthur out, “Get out of here, we’ve got guests waiting for their food!”

Arthur waved at Jonathan and Estelle, “I’ll be back in a bit.”

Once they were out and the door closed again, Estelle couldn’t help but laugh, her eyes curved into cre

scents, and her fair cheeks flushed with a hint of pink. Jonathan leaned back in his chair, leisurely watc

hing her, “What’s so funny?”

Estelle’s face turned red, “I just think Arthur is quite interesting”

Jonathan leaned in, looking at her intriguingly, “Aren’t young boys just adorable?”

Estelle met his eyes, her gaze clear and bright, and slowly said, “There are many adorable people, but

there’s only one handsome uncle. However,” she laughed him, “It would be even better if Uncle allowed

me to have an iced milk tea!”

Jonathan laughed too, “You’re pretty and cute, but even more so when you’re daydreaming!”

In the end, Estelle didn’t get her iced milk.

When they got back to the Royal Mansion, Jonathan had work to do and let Estelle watch a movie by h


Estelle’s favorite thing was to watch a movie while eating ice cream. Now that her ice cream privilege w

as taken away, she felt something was missing as she s on the carpet.

The movie wasn’t as interesting as it would be

Jonathan was busy until 10 pm and came out

of the study to find the TV on and Estelle asleep on the sofa.

He walked over, half–

squatted in front of the girl, and noticed her slightly messy hair falling over her eyes, her small nose, an

d her moist pink lips. Her peaceful appearance made his heart soften.

It’s said that people who like to curl up when they sleep lack a sense of security. He knew she had

had a rough childhood, even being abused. When would he be able to make her feel safe and secure

with him?

He stared at her features, realizing belatedly that he had been staring for quite a while,

He frowned, lightly touching her face, “Want to take a bath?” Estelle mumbled a response but didn’t op

en her eyes.

“Shall I carry you to take a bath?” The man’s voice was unconsciously gentle, picking her up tightly in hi

s arms and heading towards the master bedroom. There was a large double bathtub in his

bathroom. When Jonathan filled the tub with water, Estelle’s clothes were already off.

The warm water gradually crept up, and the unsteady floating sensation jolted Estelle awake, her instin

cts urging her to struggle.

Jonathan held her in his arms, soothingly whispering, “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”

Estelle lay on him, regaining consciousness, and her body relaxed in the warm water.

The man half–reclined in the bathtub, gently stroking her hair. Water droplets slid down his well–

defined arms and fell into the water, creating ripples. The bathroom was filled with steam, the temperat

ure rising steadily. Jonathan lowered his head to

kiss Estelle’s head, his voice husky and magnetic, “Good

girl.” Estelle lazily rested on his chest, unwilling to move, murmuring softly, “No.”

She didn’t have the energy.

Jonathan’s eyes were deep and calming. He kissed her cheek, coaxing her by her ear, Sweet Ella, be g

ood, and I’ll surprise you tomorrow.”

Estelle looked up, her chin resting on his chest, her misty eyes asking, “What kind of surprise?”

“I promise you’ll be thrilled. He coaxed her gently.

As Estelle hesitated, the man suddenly held her, turning over. With a splash, water surged out of the tunovelbin

b, accompanied by swirling steam which blurred her dazed expression.

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