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Chapter 1735

Chapter 1735

Gavin knew he couldn't intercept the drink, or he'd have to book a flight to Megaton City tonight!

Emily had intended to take just a small sip, but when she saw Charlie gulp down his full glass, an

inexplicable urge came over her, and she drank the entire glass as well.

Gavin laughed immediately, “Emily, you're really giving Mr. James quite the face!"

Ron quickly said, "Mr. Gavin, you're kidding. It's Mr. James giving Emily face!"

Gavin's lips curved with a sly smile, but he kept it hushed.

Emily's face flushed, and she didn't dare to look at Charlie. She quickly took her glass back to her seat.

Looking at Charlie's empty glass, Ron carefully picked up the bottle to refill it, "The young girl had just

started working here and she's still a bit naive, Mr. James, please don't mind."

Gavin thought to himself that Emily had been working at the James Group for quite some time, and had

served as the executive assistant to the CEO. It was Charlie who had been overly protective of her, and

he only brought Tracy along for this kind of socializing event.

Of course, Ron's words were also intentionally spoken for Charlie's benefit, wanting to make Charlie

feel that he, as the director, was taking good care of Emily, creating a good impression of himself in

Charlie's eyes.

Then Chad and others came over to raise a toast and took the opportunity to talk about their own

design advantages. Charlie only listened with a mild expression, without giving any comments.

As the dinner came to an end, it was evident that Charlie had indeed consumed too much alcohol.

Though there were no obvious signs, Emily could tell that he was definitely intoxicated.

When they were leaving, Charlie briefly supported his head, and Ron immediately said, "Mr. James and


Gavin have both been drinking today, so you shouldn't head back tonight. I've booked a suite upstairs

for you."

He looked back at Emily, "Emily, Mr. James is drunk. Please escort Mr. James upstairs."

"Huh?" Emily looked up but didn’t move.

Gavin also called out, "Emily, come help me with Mr. James!"

Everyone was looking at Emily. She had no choice but to step forward and stand by Charlie's side,

asking tentatively, "Do you need help, Mr. James?"novelbin

“No need Charlie's gaze was somewhat distant, but his steps were steady. He replied simply and

walked towards the elevator.

“Come on!" Gavin called for Emily to join them.

Noticing Charlie's swaying, Emily didn't hesitate anymore, quickly following them.

Cedric frowned and whispered, "Mr. Ron, is this really appropriate?"

Ron chuckled, "Cedric, if you want Emily's design to become a real building, stop meddling!"

Cedric's face darkened, but he didn’t say anything.

In the elevator, Gavin was making a call. Emily stood carefully next to Charlie, ensuring he didn't lose

his balance.

Soon, the elevator stopped at the thirty-second floor. Gavin took the room key to open the door, and

Charlie and Emily followed him inside. As they entered the room, Charlie came to a halt, leaning

against the wall for support himself.

"Emily, help Mr. James lie down on the bed,and I'll go get some water; Gavin said.

“Oh, okay!“ Emily replied, moving to help Charlie.

Charlie seemed even more drunk now than before, not trying to act tough anymore. He let Emily

support him as they headed towards the bedroom.

After helping Charlie onto the bed, Emily noticed that his eyes were tightly shut and he seemed quite

uncomfortable. She reached up to loosen his tie.

"Do you want some water?" Emily asked softly.

“Mmm, Charlie mumbled hazily.

Emily went out to find Gavin and only to find a glass of water placed on the bar counter, but Gavin was

nowhere to be seen.

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