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Chapter 1707

Chapter 1707

Chad sprung up energetically, “Thank you for your trust, Mr. James. I will do everything in my power to

meet your expectations"

"Here's to a fruitful collaboration!” Charlie responded gracefully, his laugh light and airy as he signed

the final design contract with the firm.

After the meeting concluded, Ron and Cedric accompanied Charlie on his exit, and Emily, seizing the

moment when no one was looking, sneaked off.

Gavin, who had planned to say goodbye to her, found she had already disappeared.

On the way back to the James Group's headquarters, Gavin chuckled, "I thought, Mr. James, you'd

choose Emily!"

“Why would I burden her with something she doesn't want to do?” Charlie retorted, idly flipping through

the papers in his hands.

Gavin, driving, casually commented, "Did you notice that Emily seems to have changed a bit? Today at

the firm, she seemed so joyful and so much more radiant than before!"

Charlie smirked, "She's always been like this!"

“Really?” Gavin joked, “Then it must be that working with you is too stressful, otherwise, she wouldn't

look so miserable all the time!"

Charlie paused, furrowing his brows slightly and turning his gaze to Gavin, "Do you think she's unhappy

with me?"

Gavin, realizing his casual comment had stirred up trouble, quickly replied, "Not unhappy, just

sometimes she seems a bit weighed down."

Charlie grew silent, turning his gaze to the window, not saying another word.

"What's wrong?" Gavin laughed, "Did I say something wrong?"

"No." Charlie responded, his voice soft and contemplative, "I'm just wondering what have I really given


After Charlie's party left, the design department director Ron immediately had his assistant investigate

Emily and Charlie's relationship.

At the end of the day, the assistant reported, “Emily used to work for the James family, she was

Charlie's assistant!"

“That's all?” Ron scoffed.

“Yes, there's nothing else.” the assistant confirmed.

Ron sighed in relief. Seeing Gavin's enthusiasm towards Emily earlier, he'd thought there was

something more between her and Charlie. But they were just employer and employee, and that's in the


He'd been speculating for half a day over nothing!

No wonder Charlie hardly gave Emily a second glance in the meeting room.

“Alright, I got it” Ron waved his assistant away.

The third day after Antonia was brought back to B City, Jonathan went to work, Estelle received a call

from Mr.

Tucker, politely inviting her back on set.

Without much ado, Estelle agreed readily.

She packed up her stuff, drove to the set and arrived by ten o'clock.

Knowing she was coming back, Craig also came to wait for her. He was chatting and arguing with


Upon seeing Estelle, Blythe rushed over, excitedly saying, "Estelle, you're finally back! I missed you so


“Yeah, she missed you so much that she could eat an extra lunchbox every day!" Craig quipped from

the side.

Blythe glared at Craig, "Hey, hey, hey, did you eat less? While Estelle was away these few days,

someone gained three pounds. You know what I mean?"

Craig, not willing to bicker with her, turned his attention to Estelle, "So you just came back like this? Mr.

Tucker sent you home when Antonia threatened him. Now with just a phone call, you're back again.

You're quite compliant, aren't you?"

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