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Chapter 1630

Chapter 1630 novelbin

Mrs. James’s expression darkened. “Charlie isn’t a foolish person. This doesn’t align with his usual


“I don’t believe it either. I don’t understand what kind of spell Emily cast on Mr. James Waters snorted.

Mrs. James nodded, “I’ve got the picture now. Thank you, Waters.”

“Auntie, please don’t let Mr. James know that I informed you. The bidding scandal is already heated up,

you can check online if you want to know more.”


Mrs. James hung up the phone, her face stem. She tumed to a nearby servant and ordered, “Find

Charlie for mel

No wonder he had that secretive look on his face when she asked him about his relationship with

Emily. He was protecting her!

The servant quickly returned and reported, “Ma’am, young master has gone out”

“He’s gone out?” Mrs. James frowned and ordered again, “Find Tracy for me.”

The next moming. Emily received a call from Mrs. James, inviting her for lunch.

Emily knew that Mrs. James might contact her, so there was no surprises.

Today, Tracy seemed more confident than ever. She was talking on her phone and her diamond-

studded watch glittering under the lights.

Around noon, Gavin came up to find Charlie to sign the documents. He stopped by Emily’s desk and

said with a smile, “Mr. James asked me to investigate your case. I’ve found some leads. Do you want

to hear about them?”

Emily shook her head, “No need. It’s enough that you know.”

“Are you sure about that?” Gavin raised an eyebrow, “Don’t you want to know who framed you?”

“I have some idea” Emily smiled faintly. “When are we going to call them for a press conference?”

“This Friday.”


Emily nodded. Once this matter was resolved, there should be outcomes for the other matters as well.

At noon, Emily and Mrs. James met at a tranquil café

When Emily arrived, Mrs. James was already there, and her accessing gaze met Emily’s

“Ms. Sullivan, have a sit”

Unlike her gentleness of yesterday, today Mrs. James sounded slightly distant, yet without arrogance.

Emily greeted her, and gracefully took her seat across Mrs. James.

“Want something to drink?” Mrs. James handed the menu to Emily.

Emily ordered a coffee, and then passed the menu back to Mrs. James. Without even glancing at it,

Mrs. James simply told the waiter, “The same as Ms. Sullivan!” Both of them know that today’s meeting

was not meant for casual conversation.

After the waiter left, Mrs. James took a sip of her lemon water and began with a faint smile, “Ms.

Sullivan, I want to hear one honest statement from you. Is Kya Charlie’s child?”

“No” Emily answered firmly

A look of regret flickered in Mrs. James’s eyes, but she also let out a sigh of relief. She maintained her

poise, “Does Charlie like you?”

Emily paused for a moment before replying, “Mr. James has liked many women. He will forget me


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