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Chapter 1563

Chapter 1563

“Ms. Waters!” Charlie greeted, putting on his usual handsome and calm facade. He then turned to Mrs.

James, “What’s up?”

“Didn’t see you all morning, thought you might want to come over and sit.” Mrs, James gestured to a

chair next to Waters. Please, have a seat. You’re so tall you’re blocking our sunlight.”

Waters laughed gently, 7 guess I’m your sunshade then”

Mrs. James giggled, “Being tall has its perks!”

Charlie chose to ignore their playful banter, pulling out a chair to sit next to Mrs. James. He glanced at

some kids nearby and suddenly felt a pang of homesickness

Waters frequently visited Mrs. James’ beauty spa. They’ve become pretty tight, especially after Waters

had made a point to win Mrs. James over. Mrs. James could see Waters’s efforts, and she was keen on

setting her up with Charlie.

Waters opened her bag, took out a black velvet box, and placed it in front of Charlie. She smiled faintly,

“Mrs. James mentioned your tie and knot today didn’t quite match, so we specially picked one out for

you. Give it a try!”

Charlie glanced at the box with some big brand’s logo on it, I’m not the star of the show today. No need

to be so extra.”

“Waters went to two stores just for this. At least open it and see.” Mrs. James gave Charlie a look,

hinting at him not to embarrass Waters. Charlie pretended not to notice. He still wore that faint smile,

but his eyes turned a bit cold. “Mom, did you call me over for this?”

“You’re always not home lately. Can’t even chat with me now?” Mrs. James said with dissatisfaction.

Try this tie clip. Don’t make Waters’ effort go to

“Ms. Waters, thank you for your kindness, but I’m not a fan of this brand. Doesn’t your company want to

bid for the new project of the James family? It would be better if you put more effort into preparing for

the bid” After saying this, Charlie stood up, “Mom, I have friends over there, I’ll go first.”

“Charlie” Mrs. James called out with a frown.

But Charlie didn’t look back and left directly

Waters dropped her head in disappointment, “Ma’am, does Mr. James think I have ulterior motives for

him, so I’m deliberately trying to please him?”

She laughed at herself, “Does he look down on me that much? Even if I wanted to please him, it

wouldn’t be with this little thing that’s only a few thousand dollars”

Mrs. James actually liked Waters very much, but felt a bit guilty seeing her own son treating her this

way. “That’s just how he is, seems easy-going but is actually quite stubborn. Don’t mind him, as long asnovelbin

I know

Waters raised her head and smiled softly, “Ma’am, I’m not afraid of you laughing at me. I do like Mr.

James very much. Not because of his family background or looks, but his style and the way he carries

himself. So you don’t need to apologize for him. I like his character”

Seeing Waters being so forthright, Mrs. James smiled even more, I do like your straightforward


Waters laughed. “Or else how could we hit it off so well? Right?”

“Absolutely!” Mrs. James held her hand tightly. “The sun is too strong. Let’s go inside and chat”

“Great” Waters laughed happily. She took Mrs. James’ hand and walked towards the house with her.

When they returned to the banquet hall, someone greeted Waters, “Waters, what are you doing here?

Are you close with Miss Jordan?”

“No” Waters smiled faintly. “When did you get back?”

Tve been back for a week. I plan to call you this weekend. I didn’t expect to run into you here”

Mrs. James added, “Waters, is this your friend? You guys chat, I’ll go talk to Josiah’s mom,”

“Sure” Waters responded immediately. Tl come find you later”

Mrs. James nodded slightly and walked away.

Waters’s friend looked at Mrs. James’ retreating figure and asked, “Who’s she?

Waters raised an eyebrow with a confident expression on her face, “That’s my future mother in law”


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